Status: Updating again!

In his Trance

The Hope

A few seconds after Damien had walked away, Ginger creeped out of the now wrecked room, she glanced at me shooting daggers with her eyes, then marched over to her brother. Haden opened his mouth to yell at her, but she slapped him hard across the face before he could speak. “You are a fucking idiot!”

Haden tried to compose himself, but then decided to rage back at her. “Why the hell did you let him make a deal with Aislinn, let alone seal it in blood. You know she’s a mortal and that she doesn’t know what it means and she’ll never be able to complete her task.”

After hearing this my face turned to shock, what did he mean I can’t complete the tasks? I may be a human and they think their inferior to me and all, but I am not some damsel in distress, or some bimbo. I stomped over to the siblings fighting and smacked Haden across the face just like Ginger. He winced for a second almost like it hurt.

“What do you mean, that I can’t complete the tasks? I didn’t call you because I needed someone to save me, I called you so that you could help me, and you know you wouldn’t have come if you thought that their was no hope. So stop acting like your some prince charming on a white horse coming to sweep me off my feet. I may be mortal, but I can take care of myself, I’m not some weakling, I will find Luna and save her ass and mine. I refuse to give up as fucking easily as you do!”

Haden stood their stunned, then began to sputter out apologies. “Aislinn, I never, I mean, it’s not like I didn’t think that, I’m sorry, it’s just your….” He cast his face downward.

“I’m just so what?”

“So fragile, and important to me.”

“Haden, I’m not some porcelain doll that you keep locked away.”

Ginger was still standing there, I glanced over at her and could see that she was almost smiling at me. “You know Damien actually might need to worry about you. I agree you do have some fight in you.” She then turned on her feet as graceful as a ballerina, and walked away.

“I’m going to get some rest.” I walked over to Blake who was still cowering by the door and we walked back down the hallway.

Haden followed behind me, he lightly grabbed my arm. “Aislinn I’m sorry for what I said, I don’t think your weak, and I believe in you….”

I jerked away from his hand. “Whatever, just do what you need to do to get ready for tomorrow.” I guided Blake and I to a random door, I opened it and looked around. This was a tacky room with a heart shaped bed, with silk red sheets, the walls were creamy white, with a million scented candles scattered around. I sighed how many bedrooms did Damien have? “This will do.”

Blake followed me in and then I closed the door behind her. She was shaking at the sight of the room. I thought back to what she had told me of her life as a slave I could see how this room would scare her. It held such romantic promises but was just a façade for the monster who used it. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone hurt you.” I gently led her to the bed, then folded back the sheets, she shivered as she slipped into them. I tucked her in then went around the bed settling under the sheets while sitting up then brushed her hair with my fingers.

At first Blake tensed up, but then as I kept playing with her hair she began to relax and slowly fall asleep. “When I was younger, my mother would do that when I had nightmares.” Blake whispered this to me, as her breathing slowly softened. When I was sure she was asleep I sank down into the sheets.

I could barely sleep, I laid there awake as my mind was racing around in those last few hours I had before dawn. I kept thinking about how I could win this bet, how impossible it all seemed. Luna could be anywhere, she could be in my world or here, and heck I didn’t even know if any other dimensions existed. I’m only getting a few clues too, how did I ever get into this. I just wanted to date this cute neighbor and now I find out he is a vampire and my whole world is changed just by association. Ugh, I have to stop whining and throwing myself a pity party if I’m ever going to help Luna and myself then I need to chin up. Even if I do lose, Blake will go free, that’s the tiniest bit of brightness I can find.

I looked over at Blake’s silent silhouette, she looked so young and peaceful when she was asleep, a smile was creeping onto her lips, so I’m guessing she was having a good dream. That smile gave me hope, I will find Luna, she won’t have the life that Blake was forced into and neither will I. This thought settled my mind and I slowly drifted off to sleep, there were no dreams that I could recall. Only a few hours later though I was gently shaken, my sleepy eyes opened to see an angel in front of me.

He was skin seemed to glow from the paleness, and their were no imperfections, I touched his cool skin. My brain trying to understand what was happening. “Aislinn….” The figure’s voice sounded silky smooth.

“Are you real?” My mind was putting itself together like a puzzle, as I tried to get out of the half sleep I was still in.

The angel laughed ever so softly. “Aislinn it’s me Haden.” This made me jolt up almost hitting my head to his.
“Haden, please don’t do that, I fucking thought you were an angel.” I rubbed my eyes, swinging my legs to dangle off the bed.

“Wait…you thought I was an angel? The girl who at times acts like I’m the devil himself.” Haden’s voice sounded amused.

I got up from the bed, putting some space between us. “Yeah well I’m pretty sure you and the devil are distant cousins at least, and I was half asleep so don’t judge. Guessing it’s almost dawn?”

This made his face fall. “I didn’t wake Blake up yet, I thought it’d be better if you did.”

I looked over at Blake’s sleeping form, then walked over gently nudging her and whispering her name. She mumbled a response then peeked open her eyes as she stretched her arms. It seemed like for a second she forgot where she was, but then a grim look fell on her face. “We’re gonna start looking for her today?”

I nodded slightly, then she pulled herself up and we walked out the door, ready for whatever was ahead of us.
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Yeah blah blah been forever I agree, but here it is, even though it's kinda fillerish, but it helps say something about ginger's personality I guess