She's a Tease

Madison Burk

Her perfect ‘Cupid’s Bow’ turned up in a slight smirk had him hypnotised, the way she moved, her hips swaying back and forward. The mound of her breasts the curves of her body, her hips, her thighs, she was the bait and he was the helpless fish. Hooked.

It was wrong, so so wrong, but at the same time, Zack couldn’t help himself. For the longest time, his best friend’s girl was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. But he couldn’t admit it.

She grabbed her auburn hair and tied it in a messy bun. That did it.

With her rimmed glasses and pencil in her mouth, to Zack she looked like one of his favourite fantasies, the receptionist. The studio seemed to close in on the two of them. Volunteering to wait for Madison wasn’t his smartest idea. But then, how was he to know the guys would be so long?

She took her pencil out her mouth and tapped it on her head as was her way of thinking.

“Fuck, even when you do that you’re sexy,” Zack breathed.

She put her pencil down and leant towards him, “You say something, Zack?” she asked, her low cut top teamed with the way she was sitting gave Zack a birds-eye view of her cleavage and he couldn’t help but sneak a peak as he shook his head.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. You can’t think like this, you won’t think like this. The technique Jimmy had given him never worked, why would it this time?

For as long as he’d know her, Zack had been infatuated with Madison Burk. There was something quirky about the way she looked and thought that Zacky couldn’t quite put his finger on. He loved it though.

He loved her.

Yeah, he was ashamed to admit it, but he did. He loved Maddie. She thought of him as a best friend, brother even, it was his own fault, he treated her as such all through high school. When everyone had that awkward gawky look about them. Madison was no exception. Her legs seemed too long for her body, which was like a surf board, she had nothing up top. Her features hadn’t quite agreed to live in harmony and so her nose, which was perfection now, seemed to dominate her whole face. Her hair was more carrot than the auburn that graced her now and of course she had the whole teenage clumsiness, but Zack could forgive her that one, he was worse.

They didn’t really get close until high school, they went to different middle schools and Zack was at that age when he thought girls had cooties, so even though he was her neighbour, they didn’t really know each other.

Senior year, and Zack began realising how tantalising she looked, how much he wanted her. He didn’t realise how much he’d crave her touch until Brian came on the scene.
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New story! This was intended as a one-shot but I got carried away haha, not sure where I'm heading with this one, should be interesting - to say the least :P.

Con-Crit welcome :D