
Jace is torn between two Jonas Brothers; Nick and Joe. (In a way there's no competion.) Who will she choose? Not the best summary I know but I can't say a lot without giving away the plot of the story. I make it sound like some corny, slutty fanfiction too but the story's better than the summary... Hopefully. I don't want to sound too vain.
  1. Chasing Echoes
  2. Open
  3. I Am (NOT) A Rockstar!
  4. I'm The J-Man
  5. What An Odd Combination
  7. Dancing With The Stars
  8. Hiatus
    Sadly.. yes. =[
  9. My How Time Flies
    WOO! I'm posting again!! ^read, you know you want to^
  10. Ouch...
    ^kind of filler but it's hecka important^
  11. Maybe You Should Listen
    ^^hella important^^