We Only Have One Life

I Love You Damn It

It had been a few weeks since Gabe and I finally realized that we were falling for each other without even knowing it. I was happy to be with Gabe, and there was nothing that could change that. The best thing was that I knew Gabe felt the exact same way.

I was horribly embarrassed that Alex had given me an STD. Since I had something, it kept Gabe and I from being intimate. Gabe assured me he didn't mind, and that taking it just a bit slower would be good. Of course, he also told me he couldn't wait until I was healthy.

Today was the last day of the tour, and I had wonderful news for Gabe. I had been to the doctor earlier in the day to get a check-up. The doctor had cleared me of any disease and told me I was in perfect condition.

Happily, I found Gabe and planted a large kiss on his cheek. He looked back at me and smiled before asking, "What's going on? You seem in a chipper mood if I do say so myself."

"Perhaps I have some news you will love to hear," I smirked at him.

"Are you being serious?" Gabe asked catching on. "Don't play with my heartstrings if you're lying to me."

"Nope, I'm being a hundred percent truthful. Tonight, I will make you a man, dear Gabriel."

"Oh, I believe it, but I'll teach all the tricks."

"I think I have a few up my sleeve that may just surprise you," I laughed kissing him again. "I'm going to find Haley. I'll see you a little bit later."

Gabe nodded and let go off my hand that he had grabbed at one point of our conversation. I looked back over my shoulder and I saw he was reluctant to look away from me. I smiled at him, and continued my journey to find Haley.

She was on Cobra's bus, watching TV by herself. I was a bit surprised to see this, usually Michael was with her at all times. She sat on the floor with a pillow and blanket, looking up at the cartoon version of Anastasia play across the screen.

"I so want to be a princess," she said looking over at my briefly.

"Not Anastasia. She was murdered and chopped into tiny pieces."

"Well, yeah, but in general I want to be a princess. You know, fully equipped with my bright and shining prince and over the top wedding. The perfect fairy tale."

My mind flashed to Michael, who I knew would fulfill her dreams in a heartbeat if he could. "Maybe you do."

"What do you mean?"

"Haley, honestly, Chislett is in love with you. Why do you think he is always with you? Why do you think he was the one who was always willing to do anything for you or take you to your therapy sessions? He wants to be your prince."

Haley thought for a minute, pulling her eyebrows together in deep thought. "Why hasn't he said anything to me then?"

"He's scared you don't feel the same way. He doesn't want to tell you exactly how he feels because he thinks there's a possibility that you won't love him."

"I don't know if... Even if I knew that I loved him back, I'm taking a break from guys for a while. I don't want another repeat like..." Haley trailed off from saying Cisco's name. She didn't like to talk about him much.

"C'mon, Micheal is not going to hurt you in anyway shape, form, or fashion. Even if you talk to him about it and tell him you're not ready right now, I'm sure he would wait."

"How are you so sure that I love him back? I don't even know if I'm in love with him."

I smiled at her, and shook my head. "I can't be sure, but the way you two look at each other helps. Also, the jokes and secrets shared that only you two understand. The way you smile when Michael says your name, or the way his face glows when you walk into the room. How can I narrow down all the distinctions?"

"I really care about him, honestly. I just wish he would make the first move. I want to know that he really feels that strongly about me."

"That's understandable. Maybe he will open up soon. You can only hope right?"

"Yeah," Haley answered, smiling the tiniest bit. "Well, I'm going to take a nap. I'll see you later tonight."

"Okay, I'll try and keep the noisy ones off the bus," I laughed before walking off the bus. I had one goal, and that was to find Michael.

I searched the venue, checked the performing and signing schedule, and looked on the bus to see if I could find Michael anywhere. Frustrated, I decided to find one of the TAI boys to see if they could help me track Michael down.

"Have you checked with those All Time Low boys?" Mike asked.

"Ugh, no," I complained. That was the last place I wanted to go, but I had to find Michael. If he didn't talk to Haley, she wouldn't be going to Australia with us.

"Do you want one of us to go with you?" Andy asked.

I thought for a minute and shook my head. "Thanks, but no thanks. I think I need to do this on my own. Really, thanks though."

Belligerently, I walked towards All Time Low's bus where I once thought I had experienced many wonderful memories. Now it was just a pool of disappointment. I took a deep breath and knocked on the bus door.

There was a few bumps and people cackling at something. The door creaked open to reveal half of Jack's face. "Oh, Kelsi! Come on in!"

I let out a small laugh and carefully walked up into the bus. When I entered, the tension was so thick in the room it felt like thousands of pounds of weight over my head. Alex didn't meet my gaze, and I was quite alright with that.

"Is Michael with y'all?"

"Yeah, he's using our facilities right now. I mean, he will be out in a minute so just chill with us," Rian suggested.

"Sure, I don't mind as long as no one else does," I said trailing off at the end of the sentence. My eyes wandered to Alex who was looking at me this time.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see why not."


"No problem."

Just about that time, the bathroom door opened and Michael was trying to fix his belt. "Oh, hey Kelsi. What are you doing here?"

"Micheal, I hate to drag you away, but I really have to talk to you," I told him.

"No, it's alright. I should be going anyway. Come on, let's go," he said to me. We walked off the bus, and he shoved his hands in his pockets. It was silent between us for a minute before I decided to speak.

"Chislett, how do you feel about Haley?"

"I, well, I really like her. She's such a wonderful person. To be honest, I love her. She's everything to me."

"Then tell her you ninny!" I yelled, surprising Michael. "Do you realize if you don't tell her, she's not getting on that plane to Australia? She doesn't think that you feel the way you do. I don't know how because even the most idiotic people on this tour can tell how you feel about her."

He sighed, "Yeah, but what if she doesn't feel the same away about me?"

"She will, trust me."

"I don't know how to tell her."

"Follow your heart."

"That's so cliche, Kelsi," Michael grumbled.

"It's true though. Look, I've got some things I need to do. Just think about it today though. You have all afternoon and you can wait and tell Haley tonight at the barbecue."

Michael nodded before scurrying away. I shook my head and walked over to Cobra's merch tent to help Danny out for the afternoon. Gabe would stop by occasionally to kiss my cheek and then leave again.

That night at the barbecue, it was sad since it was the last night, but everyone was intent on having fun one last night together. Especially since a lot of bands were catching the red eye to their respective towns. Or country in our case.

All the bands were saying goodbye to each other, giving their thanks to Kevin, and making sure no one was going to pass out and get left behind.

Cobra Starship and The Academy Is spent alot of time saying goodbye to their friends they wouldn't see for a while. I was pretty bummed and made sure to say goodbye to all the friends I had made.

After we all got official goodbyes out of the way, we started to party hard. Gabe finally came back to me and wrapped his arms around me. Kissing the back of my neck, Gabe whispered, "I love you Kelsi, you know that right?"

"Of course," I said still not facing him.

"Well, I want to give you this," Gabe said pulling away from me. Before I had a chance to turn around, I felt something cold being placed around my neck. When I looked down, I saw a thin silver band hanging on a chain.

"Gabe, this is beautiful. I love it," I said turning and kissing him.

"It was my great grandmothers. I want us to think of it as a promise to each other. That when we're both ready and share the same passion to spend the rest of our lives together, we will. No matter what."

"Absolutely. Gabe, I love you."

"I love you too," he answered before kissing me again.

Haley's POV

I was climbing off the bus when I saw Kelsi and Gabe hugging and kissing about a hundred yards away. I smiled to myself, wishing and hoping I could be happy like them, if only for a moment.

I talked to a few people, but I felt so out of place, like I was missing something. I finally found William and stood with him, happy to be with a friend.

"Well, are you going with us? We have your ticket ready if you do want to come," William said.

"I don't know. I want to, but it would be hard for me to stay with you all and watch Kelsi and Gabe be so happy. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled for the two of them, but it would just be hard on me."

"But there will be all of us there for you to hang out with. Come on, you can't just leave us hanging like this."

"I know, but it's different. Girls can get real depressed when they see other girls happy if they aren't happy themselves, even if it is your best friend," I said stopping to think. "Especially if it's their best friend."

"Haley, William, I've been looking for the two of you," Michael said running up to them.

"Well, I've got to split. Sorry dude. I'll catch you on the bus or something," William said before leaving at almost a dead sprint.

Michael shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me. "Oh well, he's a loser. You want to go hang out on the pier? It's like a block away from here and we'll be back before time to go. I could use some fresh air."

"That's a great idea. It's a little crazy around here right now anyway," I smiled and followed Michael away. We walked silently to the pier and walked all the way to the end. I leaned forward, looking out into the black ocean waves.

"It's been a good summer," Michael said causing me to eye him. "I mean, we've had our bumps along the way, but over all I think it's been good. We're all closer than before."

"Yeah, you're right about that. I'm glad we're such good friends, Michael."

"I am too," he started, but ended up trailing off.

"Is something on your mind?"

"It's just, well, I don't know how to say what I want to."

"Just try."

It seemed like Michael was struggling with the words in his head. He finally let out a deep sigh and turned to look me in the eyes. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to my own. He left his lips on mine for what seemed like a lifetime before he removed them. "I want you to come with us to Australia."

"What does this mean?"

"I love you, damn it," Michael said before kissing me again, more romantically than the first time. I didn't say it back at that very moment, but the best things are left unsaid.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is it. This is the end. Tell me what you think. I don't feel good. Off to shower. Leave me comments for when I get back on here in a