
_____ It was funny. Funny how, despite all the petals of the cherry blossoms seeming to swarm around her, she could still see.

_____ Funny. Funny how, she seemed to be drifting with the softness of the wind, when it truth. . . she was still on the ground.

_____ Funny. Funny how she was locked in his beautiful silver eyes, unable to breath and yet she still managed to cling to his hands.

_____ Funny. Funny how it seemed that. . . he was staring right her at just the same way. And he didn't seem to want pull back, just like how he always did. But not now. Not ever.

_____ Indeed, it was very funny.

* I do not own Naruto and the characters. Except some I made. Take note that is fanfiction, there might have been things changed or added. x] I know there are lots [not really THAT much] of Naruto fans here on Mibba. (and I am one of them) So. . . enjoy, yeah. (: