Darn You, MCR

Enter Mastercard Commercials

Adela's Point of View

"Hurry up, Andrea!" I shouted as I shoved in the last pair of my clothes in the drawer. "Come on, I want to go to the guy's room!" I didn't see Andrea come out of the bathroom so when I turned around and saw her in her bra and boxers... I screamed.

"Freaking slut! Put on a shirt, would yeah?" I said, throwing her a pair of her shirt. Andrea sighed.

"What the hell... Both of us are girls, Adela." She said, irritated. Ha ha, score! I made a prep angry! "They're probably sleeping already." I crossed my arms and walked over to the phone.

"Hello, this is the front desk. May I help you?" A not so manly voice answered the phone. I'm guessing it's a gay guy. I giggled to myself. "Ma'am? Or Sir?"

"I'm a girl, but can you connect me to room eight one six four?"

"Hold on, miss." It was silent and then ringing started.


"Frank?" I asked.

"No, Toro," Ray correcting me.

"Oh, hey are you guys still awake?"

Ray laughed. I was confused. "Yeah, why do you think I answered?" Oh, right. God, I'm having a blond moment! Damn it, I've been spending too much time with Andrea. Oh my god, I might turn into a stupid prep and I might loose my scene, punk look! Eww, no. Never!

"Can we come over?" I asked, hoping they would say yes.

"Uh, hold on. Let me ask the guys." Ray said and I heard a thud. "GUYS!" I didn't hear anymore and I waited. Suddenly, someone picked up the phone and I was really in high hopes they'll let us in.

"Sorry, you can't." A different voice answered.

"Who's this?"

"Bob Bryar."

"Oh," I said. "But how come!"

"Because... We're tired. How about tomorrow?" Bob said. Then I heard mumbling. I rolled my eyes. I looked at the clock and it was only nine thirty. What the fuck!? Who in the hell is tired at this time?

"Oh come on! Pleeease!?" Bob let out an irritated sigh.

"No means no. Just leave us alone, 'kay? You can come tomorrow. God." Then hanged up. I stood, there. Wow... I just got... Rejected! Then I heard laughing, I turned around and saw Andrea on the floor laughing. Her hands on her stomach and shoulders arched and wiggling.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked her, irritated.

"I told you, they're tired. Just give them some space, Adela. They're humans." She scoffed and walked over to the TV and turned it on. I rolled my eyes and mumbled curse words. Man, I wanted to talk to the guys. I wanted to hang out with them. Maybe, I irritated them. Naw, why would they be annoyed with me?

My Chemical Romance's Point of View

"Holy shit!" Frank and Ray laughed so hard. Mikey looked at them, grinning. Bob smirked and I tried to hold in my laughter... My face trying to hold it's seriousness.

"Best. Prank. Ever!" Frank said between his laughter. "I bet... Her face was... Like this.." And Frank did this facial expression that made everyone in the room roar in laughter. Priceless.

"I feel bad," Bob laughed. "She'll probably attack me with her little tiny ribbons tomorrow." Ray ran to Bob.

"I'll protect you, Bobbert!" And Ray was in his defensive pose. Mikey and me fell to the floor laughing. Tears, tears of joy, actually were forming at the edges of my eyes. My stomach was hurting from all the laughing we did tonight.

"God," Frank copied Bob from earlier. "Dude, that was classic!"

"No way, you should have done it Napoleon Dynamite style! Now that's classic!" Mikey spoke. "Like this...Goosshh!" And once again, everyone laughed.

It's so fun picking on Adela.
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Lol. Filler :D