Demonic Princess Of The Human Race

Drive Drive Drive

They tried to tie the three of them up but i told them it was unnecessary. They immediately agreed, saying that i was so brave! Yuck.

We hurried outside, a light rain fell. Relief shone on all of our faces, glad to be rid of the place. We sauntered across the road to my car were a boy from the palace was waiting. He gave me a wink and opened the door. I bit back the words raging to come out.

The three of them got awkwardly in the car, not sure of what to do. I pressed my foot on the gas pedal and we sped away. "What are your names?" I asked them over my shoulder.
The girl was sitting in the passenger seat, tracing her finger along the interior of the car. I gave her a smile. She quickly ducked her head as she saw me looking.
The two boys didn't say anything. I frowned, biting my lip.

The tension in the atmosphere was strong. I knew at any moment either of them could spring into attack. It wouldn't be that hard to kill me. Just a quick snap of the neck. I shivered at the thought.

We finally arrived at the castle, the rain beating down hard on the hood of the car.
"Here we are!" I looked behind me at the two boys. They were sitting as far away from each other as possible, staring out the window at the ground. I sighed, turning my attention to the little girl. "Whats your name?" I asked, my voice soft. She looked at me with frightened eyes. I gave her a small smile. The vampire reached over the seat and put a protective hand on her shoulder.
"Don't tell her anything." He hissed.
"Why not?" I retorted.
"Because all you mortals are the same." I could tell he was trying hard not to get upset. He was failing miserably. "You pretend to be our friend and the next moment you betray us, use us, or kill us. You get what you want by toying with others emotions and then you push us when were down." He now had his teeth bared, he was half standing half sitting, his body tense.
I gave him a long hard stare. "I willnever let anyone so much as touch you. Not as long is there is a breath left in my body." My voice was heavy with rage. It was such a disgrace to me to be told this.

The boy hid his emotions well, but i could see the flicker of surprise light up his eyes for a moment. And for me, that was enough.

I opened my door, indicating with my hand to do the same. All three of us ran up the huge steps together. The vampire had draped his coat around the girls small body. The two boys and i were soaked by the time we reached the doors. The guards let us in.

I looked behind me to see them staring at the large oak staircase that was split into two at the bottom and connected at the top of the landing. We walked across the marble flooring our footsteps echoing off the walls. Our wet cloths dripped water onto the floor like a trail.
On the way up the stairs i bumped into George. He looked at me, then at the three 'slaves' standing behind. His eyes were filled with surprise. He didn't think i would have gotten any slaves. I laughed on the inside. Foolish mortal.

"Why are they dressed.. like.. that?" His voice was filled with disgust.
"We are royalty, George, shouldn't we make all our things the finest possible?" I stretched his name in a mocking tone. He gritted his teeth, "Of course, my dear Kelsy." With that he turned around and stomped out of the room. I smiled to myself congratulating myself heartily.
"Lets go to my room, now."

I opened the door to my room and instantly noticed that a maid was in there. She turned around, jumping. She let out a shriek, and i saw that she had cut her arm on the glass piece she had been carying. "Oh! Im so sorry, misstress!" Her arm had a gash in it and already blood was dripping onto my floor. The burning in my throat became a roar. I nearly lost it, then and there. But since i had previously hunted i held my need for blood down and tried to keep myself under control. Then i remembered that we had one very dangerous under-fed vampire in the room.
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:] Hmm Hmm Hmmmmmm. Im listening to a good song right now.. haha. :P