Do You Have a Soul to Spare?

Serious Time

"You...Are you serious?" She couldn't believe this.

"Yes. All I need is you. I have you, so nothing should be holding us back from living the perfect life."

"Zane...Are you saying this just to get away from Cathy? To run away from your problems?"

"No, I don't run away from anything." His eyes told lies and she knew the whole reason he wanted to leave.

"You don't want me to try to kill myself because of Cathy. That's it, isn't it?" she accused, not believing this.

"If I said no, would you believe me?" His eyes were on the ground they sat on and Serena sighed.

'I won't do that. If I died, who knows what would happen to you."

Zane opened his mouth, but she shook her head.

"I don't want to hear it. Zane, I don't want to hear any of what it is you're going to say. I want to finish school. Graduate. Then we can leave, alright?"

"Fine, but when we do, we can start our own lives together, right?" A question answered with another one.

"Yes. Whatever you want. I just want to prove I won't be intimidated by a witch who thinks she knows everything there is to know. And Jayke. I want to prove to him that he means absolutely nothing to me, so he'll leave me alone."

"Okay, I believe you at least. Let's go back to school. They all probably miss us dearly."

"Okay," Serena obliged and they went back to the school. When they got back Jayke was waiting.

"What do you want?" Zane demanded.

"I just...I want to talk to Serena. Please, I need to," he begged, looking only at Zane.

Zane looked at Serena, seeing if it was okay. She nodded and walked with Zane as he took in a sigh.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I don't want us to be on bad terms. Zane is really a great guy and he's a great friend of mine. I'll be damned if some girl will get in the way of that."

Where was he going with this?