Sequel: Hiding Heartache

Paparazzi Pandemonium

Chapter Ten

It’s been a long day. News of my run in with Trevor had spread like a wild fire across campus, and with that my secret about Nick had spread as well…not that it’s much of a secret considering it’s on the cover of people magazine.

Gosh, is this is getting so out of hand. I just need to see Nick he told me that I should come to the studio and watch him record when I was out of school…and ever since my run in with Trevor, that was all I could think about. I wanted to feel the comfort of his embrace and surge from his touch.

I exited my last class accompanied by stares from my classmates. I ignored them and made my way to the parking lot. I figured I better get use to it, because as Nick had said, this is only the beginning.
When I entered the parking lot with the security guard I noticed some paparazzi in the distance, waiting for me to come out of school. Unfortunately they noticed me too.

“Shoot” I said out loud.

“Look over here.”
“How was class?”
“Have you seen Nick today?”
“Right here Annie”
“You look beautiful today.”

Just what I needed, paparazzi.

I continued walking to the car not saying a word, only slightly giving a smirk when one of them asked me to describe what Nick’s hair felt like. What kind of question is that?

I finally got into the car and it drove off. After about an hour we pulled up to the studio and the security guard let us in through the gate.

“All right Miss Barnes; The Jonas Brothers are recording in studio 17. Go down this hall all till you can’t go anymore, and then take a left. It’s the third door on the right.” He said, handing me my security pass.

“Ok” I said, thanking him before walking down the hallway.

I walked up to what I assumed was the right studio. I slowly opened the door and entered cautiously. I ran her fingers through my hair and adjusted my clothes. I wanted to make sure I looked presentable as I walked into the room.

“ANNIE!” I heard Joe yell from behind me.

I turned to where I heard his voice, and he pulled me into a bear hug, “What are you doing here? Oh, wait, let me guess, you came to see your bestest buddy Joe Jonas work his magic, eh?" He asked.

“Um, well, actually I’m here to see Nick, he wanted me to come by,”

“Oh, I see how it is Barnes” He said, his voice hitching before he started to fake cry.

“But as a plus I get to see the super talented Joe Jonas in action,” I concluded as I patted is back, trying containing my laughter while trying to keep the whole charade going.

“Well, duh!” He said, transforming back into normal Joe…well the normal un-normal Joe. “Let me take you to Nick, I’m sure he will be stoked to see you.”

I followed him to wear numerous people were sitting with headphones on, listening to Kevin play the guitar in the booth. I couldn’t help but be nervous, this was so surreal.

“Babe!” Nick whispered in my ear coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled and leaned my head upon his.

“I’ve been Restless all day, I couldn’t wait to see you” Nick said softly, still holding me securely in his embrace. I turned to face him and smiled giving him a quick kiss on the lips, then pulled him into a tight hug.

“You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do this,” I mumbled into his neck. Nick pulled away slightly, but still held me in his arms.

“Annie, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Nick said looking deep into my eyes with concern. I remained silent for a moment not sure if I should tell him.

Wait what am I thinking, of course I should tell him. Secret’s only cause more problems.

“Well, apparently, WE are on the cover of several magazines,” I sighed, Nick just nodded, becoming a little tense. I noticed, but continued, “Well, now it’s all over school and it’s all anyone can talk about.” I said really fast, trying to get it over with.

“What! “Nick exclaimed, “Don’t they have anything better to do! It was one thing when the cameras were outside your school but now you have to deal with rumors in class…I’m so sorry Annie…really I don’t know what to say.” Nick continued, his hand now pulled into tight fist. I smiled and placed my hand on his face to calm him down.

“Baby, I’m fine. Yeah it sucks but, I’ll deal with it. Everything is fine now. I’m with you and that’s all I wanted.” I stated calmly, Nick relaxed and smiled

“I’ve been thinking about you all day” he whispered pulling me back into his embrace

“Oh really? I’ve been thinking about you too” I said playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. We were to busy concentrating on each other that we didn’t even notice Kevin walk out of the booth and over to the common area where we were standing

“Um Nick, if you could pull yourself away from your lady friend for just a few minutes, Tony would really like to finish recording the bridge for that new song,” Kevin said nudging his little brother.

“Thanks Kev” he replied sarcastically before turning back to me “I think Julia went to the bathroom so she should be back soon, I’ll be done in a few, just hang out here ok?”

“Definitely” I replied, giving him a peck on the cheek before he walked back into the booth.

“Annie Bannie!” I heard someone call from behind me a second later. I turned there to find Joe’s girlfriend Julia walking towards me, arms opened ready for a hug.

“Julia!” I giggled before skipping over and meeting her in a hug “How are you today?” I asked letting go of the hug and sitting on the couch in the studio.

“I’m good, but I should be the one asking you the questions. How are you holding up honey?” she asked

“As good as I can in this situation I guess” I sighed.

“Either way you sure seem to be taken with this Nick Jonas.”

“Yeah Jules, I am rather taken with him. Thank you for just noticing now.” I giggled

“Well you know me, it takes a while for things to catch on.” She said sarcastically “But now on a more serious note, How are the kids at school taking it?” she asked

“Ughh, don’t ask”

“Let me guess, that Kathleen bitch tried to tell you that you don’t know what you are getting yourself into with him” she assumed

“No, but you do sound a lot like Trevor,” I said in disgust.

Julia stared at me with stern eyes, “What? Trevor? Why the hell are you talking to that over inflated idiot? I thought you’d erased him from your life after all he has done to you!” Julia stated becoming more and more troubled by the minute.

“We have some classes together and as I’m sure you know; Nick and I have graced the cover a few magazines. Well he decided to confront me in class and tell me what a mistake I’m making and how I’m just going to get hurt, blah blah blah,” I said trying get this over with as soon as possible.

“He is much dumber than he looks, and that’s not saying much. What gives him the right does to lecture you on getting hurt? Did he fall off the short bus? Because last time I checked he was the king of hurting Annie Barnes and has no right to even talk to you. Ugh, I mean he…”

“Julia!” I said cutting her off “we will finish this later. Nick doesn’t know all the sorted details.”

“What do you mean Nick doesn’t know all of the details about Trevor!?” she asked shocked “What didn’t you tell him?”

“Yeah Annie, what didn’t you tell me” Slowly I turned see who was standing their and for the first time I wasn’t happy to see the face I saw.

God, Nick has got to stop this eavesdropping thing.
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