Sequel: Hiding Heartache

Paparazzi Pandemonium

Chapter Four

“I mean, it just doesn’t seem like him. Nick? Cheating? It doesn’t make sense” I heard Julia said

“Totally, Kev and I have been dating for almost three years now, so I’ve seen him with his fair share of other girls, and he’s never looked at another girl the way he looks at her. Why would he do it?” Lauren sighed.

It’s been ten minutes sense I locked myself in my room and now I was just listening to Julia, Lauren, and my mom talking about the whole situation. After listening to them talk for a few more minutes I heard the front door open slam shut quickly.

“I’M GOING TO KILL THAT KID! WHERE IS HE?!” I heard Tyler yell into the house, stomping into the kitchen.

“Tyler, calm down, Annie doesn’t need you yelling right now.” My mom tried to reason with him.


“Tyler, relax” I heard Cara say in a soothing tone “I’m going upstairs to talk to Annie, you wait down here.” It was only seconds later when I heard a knock on my door. “Annie, its Cara, Ty and I saw the story on E! Can I come in?” she asked.

“Um, one minute” I sniffled before going into the bathroom and splashing cold water on my face. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were bloodshot and swollen, I sighed before walking out and opening the door. “Hey Cara, what’s up?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“Oh Annie” she whispered before embracing my in a tight hug and closing the door behind us. We stayed like that for at least ten minutes, her rubbing my back and letting my cry into her shoulder. My phone was ringing off the hook, but I blocked it out, knowing who it was. “Here lets go sit down.” She said releasing me from her grip and sitting down on my bed. “You Know Ty hasn’t been this mad sense Brooke got kicked off America’s Next Top Model the night of her graduation in cycle seven.”

I tried to stifle my laughter but the recollection of that night always made me crack up. I remember it like it was yesterday. Cara and I were going to the mall to find a dress for me to wear to homecoming and when we came home we heard screaming from inside the TV room. We rushed in to find Tyler yelling at the TV screen, he was watching a marathon of America’s Next Top Model on VH1 and he didn’t think we would be home before it was over.

“Oh my God I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my whole life, to this day he still denies watching --” I was cut off from my reminiscence by my phone ringing…again.

“That’s like the millionth time he’s called, should you answer?” Cara asked

“No, I don’t want to talk to him yet.” I sighed

“Well you should at least listen to one of the voicemails” she stated knowingly

“I guess” I sighed as I picked up the phone dialed my voicemail, and put it on speaker.

Annie it’s Nick, umm this is like the 30th time I’ve called you in the past hour, and you still have yet to answer so I’m going to assume you saw the Selena thing on TV…look the kiss didn’t mean anything, she kissed me—at first I was confused, I didn’t know what was happening, but the second I realized what was going on I stopped it. Umm I know that’s not a good excuse but its true. I would never do something to intentionally hurt you—you have to believe me. Ok well I have to go were about to perform but please believe me when I said it didn’t mean anything, I love you Annie…I love you.

After the voicemail was over I hung up the phone, and tried to hold back my tears. His voice didn’t sound like it usually did, it was distressed and sorrowful, and I wanted to believe him when he said it meant nothing but if it really didn’t wouldn’t he have told me when it happened?

“Hon, you must be starving, lets go get something to eat ok?” Cara questioned.

“Umm yeah, food sounds good” I said barley over a whisper, she grabbed my hand and lead me down the stairs. I guess Mallory came over when she saw the news because she my mom, Tyler, Julia, and Lauren were all quietly whispering in the kitchen. The second they saw Cara and Myself enter the room went silent and all eyes were on me and Tyler still looked pissed.

“What?” I asked “Is Ty reliving the moment Tyra kick Brooke off of America’s Next Top Model?”
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© Walt Disney Corporation
I Do Not Own: E! News, America’s Next Top Model, VH1, Tyra Banks, Brooke, Selena Gomez, The Jonas Brothers, or any other characters