Why can't you see me?

The lights

Mikey's POV


"Why!!! Elena!" my heart literally skipped beats, what was wrong?

'G-E-R-A-R-D-D-I-D-N-T-C-O-M-M-I-T-S-U-I-C-I-D-E" what? So?

"What's the problem?"


"So what has to happen?" she took her time answering me but when she did the words hit me hard. Of course.


"Wait. Does that mean Ray was suicidal when he crashed?"


Wow, Gerard wouldn't have know he was getting into a car with a suicidal person, then why did Ray take him as well? Did Ray want Gerard dead. The pointer began quivering again as Elena continued to explain.


I was so angry, so if he couldn't have him no one else could. I hated ray in that moment, he had stolen my brother out of cowardice. There was no way i would let Gerard lose Frank now. I shoved away the board and checked my watch;

'12.02'...Gerard died at exactly '12:07' I had exactly five minutes and the park was ten minutes away. Shit.

I burst out of the house and sprinted in the direction of the park, i had to get there in time. I couldn't feel my legs and i was losing the ability to breath but i was going to stop him. I had one minute left, i rounded the corner and it was exactly 12:07.

The car spun on the roundabout out of control at over 100mph. I was too late, all I could do was watch whilst Frank attempted suicide. The car flipped over on itself 3 times and the bonnet burst into flames, people were running towards it, screaming there was someone still alive. My hope sparked and i dialled 9-1-1. I hoped to god he would be alright.

Frank's POV

My Mom had left the house to go grocery shopping. Gerard and I climbed into her car and headed for the playground. My hand was on the gear stick, his hand on top of mine and I couldn't help but feel nervous now, i was one minute away from death, but as my brain screamed at me I was accelerating out of control my heart laughed at the fact I was about to leave this shit life behind.

It was exactly 12:07. My speed was 110mph on the clock and I rounded the roundabout at an uncontrollable speed, the rest was a blur, the car was spinning I knew that, how many times I don't know...several. My lack of seatbelt meant I was thrown about the car thus hitting my head at some point. Then heat. A lot of heat. A bright light, but i didn't look away.

There was something about this light, the way it glowed, flickered, demonising it's surroundings, capturing my immediate attention. I was too tired to think, my head was throbbing and I was lying on something sharp, it hurt. Gerard wasn't there. I needed him to be there for me but I couldn't turn to look for him. At that moment I had never felt more alone in my life and as i let go of all feeling the world around me disappeared completely, darkness filling me. The screams of onlookers, screams trying to help me. Leave me to die. It's what I want.

The noise slowly faded away replaced by a slow constant sound that hurt my head and my blood pulsated with every sharp notation it let out.

Was this death? If so...where's Gerard?

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plspls review!!! thx it makes my day!