Why can't you see me?

Wierdest convo ever!

Frank’s POV

“If you can see me this is no joke.”

“What?! Who are you?”

He stood up and closed the space between us with two strides then offered his hand to me.

“Gerard Arthur Way”

I stopped and stared at him…no! He couldn’t be Gerard; Gerard had been killed in some freak accident thing!

“Are you okay?” he looked at me through hazel eyes, his expression was one of caution and confusion.

“Gerard…you can’t be Gerard” I turned my head slightly to indicate towards the memorial left by the side of the road. The only reply he gave was;

“Car crash”

“Yes I know it was a car crash, but Gerard was in the car crash and died.”

“I did die”.

“No you obviously didn’t because you are right here in front of me, I can see you!” I was become tired of playing his mind games.

“You and who else?”

“What do you mean?” I was so confused; it was like I was getting part of the conversation.

“You can see me” he indicated over to the girl with the bike, she was standing on the sidewalk staring in our direction looking extremely confused. “Can she?”

“Of course she can, she is looking right at you”

“She can’t see me”

“Of course she can Gerard she is loo-”

“No she can’t” sadness oozed out of his words and something about the sincerity of them caught me, was he being serious? Could she not see Gerard?

My thoughts were answered by her;



“WHAT FRIEND?” Wait…what friend…

“He’s right here!” I indicated to where Gerard was standing. She came slightly closer to me so she didn’t need to yell, her face had gone chalk white and her eye held caution.

“There is no one there”

“What? Yes he is, say hello Gerard”

“Hello” he said “but she can’t hear me, you are the only person I have found in days who can hear me, I think you may be the only person who can hear me.”

“But why”

“I’m not sure”

Gerard’s POV

“I’m not sure.” Yeah right Gerard, you know why but this kid is freaked out enough and hell you don’t even know his name;

“What’s your name?”

“Frank Anthony Thomas Iero Jr.”

“Long name”


I was happy that he hadn’t run away from me, that would have been a problem, the problem is how do I get out of here and is he meant to help? And if he is…will he? And what if my suspicions are true, I mean I didn’t really believe what aunt Elena had said about this but…now I am not so sure it sure could explain a lot.

Steph’s POV

This is the weirdest conversation I have ever heard;

“He’s right here!”

“There is no one there”

“But why”

“Frank Anthony Thomas Iero Jr.”



“Your mental” I turned on my heels and stalked off walking a little too fast, in truth this kid scared me and if he was joking about he should be ashamed. Gerard’s family are in mourning they don’t need people like Frank if that was his name.
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comment for cookies. lol