Why can't you see me?

Here's not the place

Frank’s POV

Gerard watched her leave with an amused expression on his face.

“Gerard...now what?”

“I don’t know”

“You have to have some idea!” at this he blushed. “What!”

“Heres not the place.”

“Would my house do?” he looked up at me and nodded. I just so happened to notice his eyes were a really beautiful colour. Not that i’m gay, they just are.

We went back to my place and i pointed towards the kitchen door.

“Through there” i gesture to him, walking behind him. I expected him to open the door and walk through but he floated through to the other sid like a ghost...well he was a ghost but it shocked me. I opened the door and said;

“Gerard...how do i know your real? I mean i can see yo but...but can i feel you?”

“I don’t know” he answered holding out his hand to me. I reached out for it half expecting to grab air, bu when i reached out my hand grasped a slightly cooler than normal body temperature human hand. I exhaled slowly.

“Sorry...it’s just...I didn’t-“

“No it’s fine. I understand.” He smiled genuinely back at me and it comforted me slightly.

“Now, what do ou know?”

“Well...I...it might freak you out...but please don’t be freked out...it’s not like i am 100percent sure...b...but.”

“Oh for god sakes spit it out.”

“Ok ok , when my aunt Elena was alive she taught Mikey and i a lot about the living dead and stuff. She said spirits usually walk this earth because they have unfinished bussiness, but usually they need help. The next bit was the part i didn’t beieve up until now but it makes sense. Well nothing makes sense about this but it fits.”

“Gerard” i warned.

“I’m getting to the point, it just requires an explination. Don’t freak. But the ‘help’ part is usually done by one person...someone rather specific...and its usually by...well...a lover...but stronger than that...more like...a...a...soul mate.”

I was so stunned.

“Wait...so thats why i can see you?”

“Um...i think so.”

“Can i be excused for a moment...” but seeing the hurt in his eyes i added “i will come back i promise.”

He nodded a reply. Wait...does he like me? Probably...do i like him?

I sat on the sofa in my living room with my head in my hands. I neeeded to think about this. So Gerard was gay, i had worked that out from the card Mikey had left him, and he liked me. I think back through my girlfriendless life...why girlfrendless? I had never even thought of asking a girl out...why? I know i am a loser but i never even thought abou i...and a sudden realisation washed over me. The 5 billy-Joe posters in my room...one with him shirtless...omg! Does my mom know that i am... Well at least now i know. But do i like Gerard, at th thought of him my heart rate increased...oh my god...i do. I gathered myself together and walked back into the kitchen.

He looked up at my arrival.

I walked over to him with outstretched arms

“I just wanna hold your hand.”

“Always babe”

I took his hand in mine and he stood up to move closer to me. I pulled him into a hug bringing my face closer to his and then i wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. It was my irst time but apparently not his and he took control, running his lip forcefully along my bottom lip before tugging softly at my lip ring, at this i let out a small moan from the back of my throat. “Gerard” i said into the kiss. “yes” he answerd taking his tongue out of my mouth momentarilly but not fo long, i pulled away slightly and looked deep into his eys...God i could live i them “I love you” i whispered. He pulled his face away from me and whispered “You too, and dya know what?”


“Looks like we are soul mates”

“Gee...how does this work...i mean...your ...dead.”
♠ ♠ ♠
comment or die! lol