Why can't you see me?


Frank's POV

I know you may not believe this at first but hear us out.
I know I'm dead but I'm not gone.
Frank wrote this down but the words are mine.
If you need convincing;
Remember the night I told Mom and Dad I was gay?
You probably do, I tried to slit my wrists, But you stopped me,
Remember when Alec dumped me? And you stayed up all night with me.
Mikey, I'm still here, you can't see me, but Frank can.
To explain all this you need to think back.
Remember Aunt Elena 3 halloweens ago? The week before she died.
I begged her to tell me more stories about the living dead, and you stayed with me?
She said, that when a soul has unfinished business it will remain on this earth,
invisible, only the dead can see it.
But she went on, or soul mates.
mine and Franks souls are connected in a way,
I love him.
He and I need you to read this and to understand something so i can be at peace.
I didn't commit suicide.
Ray and i were drunk and at the junction and we crashed.
It was an accident.
Please never give up on life.
I never would.

Also, we need you to get out Aunt Elena's Ouija Board.
We need to ask her something.
She said she would always answer,
time to see if its real.
Please, as you read this i am next to frank,
even if you can't see me,
I'm here.
By the way,
sorry about eating your skittles the day before i died.
Love you, always
Gerard (written by Frank)

I sealed it and we headed for Mikey's house. When we got there I knocked on the door and a boy a little younger than i was opened it.

"Um hello? Can i help you?"

"Hi i'm frank, I'm a friend of Gerard's...there's something i need to give you."

"You knew him?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Okay, come in." he lead me into a small living room just of the main hallway and sat on one of the two sofa's I sat on the other. I handed him the letter, at first he eyed it suspiciously. Finally he opened it and i could see his eyebrows furrowing harder as he struggled to believe the letter. After he read it he looked up at me.

"Frank...was it?" I nodded "I...believe you. There are memories of mine and my brothers in this letter that only he could know, i was the only one who knew about Alec, and i remember that Halloween." he looked at me, then stood up. "The board is under my bed." I also stood up and followed him out of the room.

He lead me up the staircase and into the room at the end of the hallway, when i entered it looked like any other teenage boys room, all his possessions lay strewn across the floor and posters of bands like the misfits dominated the walls, there were also a few drawings of various scenes and people that were signed 'Gerard Way'. Whilst Mikey rummaged under his bed i got a closer look at one of them. It was of a lady dressed all in black with blood and tears running down her face, she had jet black hair and piercing blues eyes. It was titled 'Icy blues'. It seemed to fit and i felt a hand on my shoulder, i turned around to see Gerard looking lovingly into my eyes.

"Thank you" i smiled a 'your welcome' talking to Gerard might make Mikey a little uncomfortable, he seemed to understand my concerns.

"Got it." i heard from Mikey, he cleared a space on his floor and laid it out. It hand numbers and letters all around the edges with 2 pointers in the middle. "Okay, now first we both hold onto one of the pointers" he instructed me. We did. "Okay, now i need to call on Aunt Elena. Auntie? Elena? It's me Mikey, are you there?" he paused for a moment. "If Gerard's here maybe he should say her name as well." at that i heard a faint "Aunt Elena." i looked over at Gerard and smiled.

"Yeah, he is"

"Good, Aunt Elena?" The dial began to quiver under my hand and it slowly started edging sideways.


My breathing became faster and my heart rate quickened,

"Hello" i whispered.


I gathered up my courage and spoke to her;

"Hello, I'm a friend of gerard's" it began quivering.


I chuckled slightly.

"No. More like soul mate, if you want the truth. We wanted to know...wh..when Gerard goes, what happens to me...i don't want him to leave me...and neither does he...is there any way of being together? Please, i need to know?"


"I'll do anything" i looked over at Gee "I love him". He smiled warmly back at me, i wanted to go over and hug him there and then, to feel his lips crush mine, but i needed to find out a way to be with him permaneantly first.


I looked over at Gerard; "I'll do it." i said this half in reply and half to him, his expression was shocked when he had heard but his face filled with devotion now stared intently at mine.

"I love you" he replied to me.

"Thank you Elena"


Mikey chuckled as he put away the board. Then he turned to me;

"Are you really going to do this?" his facial expression was unsure.

"Yes." was my simple reply. I had to. Only when?

Gerard’s POV

He would die for me?

I love him more than words could ever say for this. Forever.

He’ll be mine. My Frankie. Forever.

I smiled at him.

“I love you”

“More than words could ever say.” He answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
will he....
comment to find out!