Why can't you see me?

I cant want you

Gerard's POV

He would die for me.
He had only known me, what, 2 days.
I couldn't believe i could ever deserve someone like Frankie.
After Frank said goodbye to Mikey we made our way to Frank's house.
He slipped his hand into mine as we walked home, we were oblivious to the stares Frankie (and I) were getting. Lets face it, if i had seen a guy holding his hand in mid air swinging it, i would have thought he was mental to.

When we got to Frank's house his mom had left for work.

"She only works half the day on Saturday, but then she spends the rest of her time at the gym or over at her friends houses. So we have the whole house to ourselves" he smirked at this "...but we have some things to sort out first."


"Like, what i would need to do before i go on this death mission so i don't stay behind on earth, because Gerard, no one will be able to see me...of course unless you can have some weird love triangle with your soul mates." i grinned at this, but he was right, we would need to do this right.

"Frank, you need to be honest, what is there that you feel you need to do? Anyone you need to avenge..talk to?" he shuffled uncomfortably on his bed and averted his gaze, so there was something. "Frank, tell me."

Frank's POV

Oh shit. This is going to be awkward.

"I need...I need to tell my mom...that i'm...you know.......gay." he looked down in shame.

"Frank" Gerard pulled my face up to the same level as his "why are you ashamed." he turned away and a tear slipped on the side of his face, exposing his worries.

"I don't want to tell her...it's just i need to know if she would still love me, I'm gonna tell her about you Gee, not that your dead, but I'm gonna tell her I'm in love with a Gerard. Cos I am, and she deserves to know the truth." my face was wet with tears and my voice was shaky and 3 octaves higher than usual, but i felt so much better telling Gee what i needed to do.

"Anything else babe?" he was smiling at me and for a moment i lost my train of thought thinking about his perfectly sculpted lips and hypnotising eyes, god i could live in those eyes.

"No, that's all, i never had any friends...until i met you" he looked slightly confused at this.

"I'm only a friend?" a smirk played across his face at that moment and leapt forward suggestively and landed on my lap, wrapping his legs around my waist he pulled me into a deep kiss. i tried to pull his closer but he sighed and rose to his feet. My heart stopped in my throat, why was he pulling away. I caught a glimpse of his face and a fresh wave of terror swept over me.

"No, this is wrong, i can't kiss my friends...or do anything else like that with them" ahhh, my heart rate began to return to normal as i realised what he was saying. i got to my feet and went round the back of him, wrapping my arms around him and slowly began massaging his lower stomach gently, "Well you know Gee, i've always thought of you as more than a friend" i said the last words suggestively as i edged my hands down onto his crotch and continued the massaging. He groaned incomprehensibly and his legs gave way, i only just caught him before he hit the floor. But as soon as i lowered him onto the ground he yanked me down on to his lap and kissed me again, this kiss was slower and if possible more passionate than the last and his arms wrapped around my waist as my hands wrapped into his hair and pushed his face in closer to mine. His tongue retracted itself and ran back and forth along my bottom lip, tasting it before hitting my lip ring and doing the same before tugging at it. it was different from anything we had ever done and i like it, i leant my head back slightly and let him do his thing.

"FRANKIE! IM HOME!" Gee pulled away at this and nodded his head towards the door. I nodded and stood up pulling him with me, before heading out of my bedroom to break the news to my Mom.

I walked out and she was in the kitchen.

"Hey Frankie, what's up?"

"Mom...can we talk?" her expression was anxious and she immediately sat at the table and indicated for me to do the same.

"Is anything wrong frank?"

"No, eveything's great, but i need to tell you something." i took in a deep breath "Mom, you know i have never had many friends" concern was etched on her face at my words.

"But Frankie, you know you could make some if you really tried" I cut her off, we have had this conversation a million times and i was so tired, i knew i couldn't make friends, it was too late for that i was already the midget freak that everyone hated. God, even the nerds laughed at me from time to time.

"I know, don't worry...well recently i made one..."

"then what's the problem? Oh you could invite him around for dinner"

"mom. no. i need to tell you something, his name is Gerard...and i...i...i love him." my mom looked up at me, then suddenly burst out laughing.

"mom....mom...WHAT'S FUNNY!" Gerard jumped at my side slightly.

She turned to look at me and said "Oh Frankie, you think i'm surprised? i guessed from the Billy-joe posters on your wall and you were always too nice for your won good. It was obvious, i was just wondering when you were going to notice or come clean." she continued to smile after that.

"You knew! What! Why did you never mention it! Not once!?" i was slightly annoyed at this, hell more than slightly.

"Well i figured you would tell me in your own time honey, I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable about it, its nothing to be ashamed of. hey, frankie, you could invite him over for dinner honey." she suggested with a smile.

"I don't think that will be possible."

"Oh, he's your boyfriend though? Wouldn't he like to come?"

"Oh, he's dying to meet you but at the moment it's just not possible, I'm sorry." Gerard laughed at the irony of my inside joke, but his laugh fell on the deaf ears of my mom, she couldn't hear him.

"Oh well ok. Tell me whenever you can get him to come around, he's always welcome."

"Thanks mom, i better go now, I'm pretty tired." i excused myself and to my bedroom with Gerard in tow, still slightly baffled. She knew? ALL THIS TIME! I huffed angrily as collapsed on my bed. Gerard, looking confused came to sit down next to me;

"Baby, what's wrong?" he said cuddling up to me and then pulling me down into a sleeping position with my head resting on his chest. He began to stroke my hair when i started to speak.

"It's just...she knew...all this time and well...i worried about telling her, she could have hinted at something...and well, now I've told her and know she accepts me...I'm gonna just go and kill myself." he sighed heavily.

"Baby, you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, and i will wait for you forever."

I propped myself up on my elbows and looked over at him, my eyebrows furrowed.
"Gerard, okay firstly, we both know that you can't wait forever, and you have no reason for staying here so it's a miracle you are still with me at the moment. I mean you could go at any moment. I need to die. I want to if it means i can stay with you like this forever. I can't live without you, and yeah i know that i have only really known you for a few days but i feel connected to you and i am not giving that up. It's just i feel bad leaving her. I wish she would have screamed at me or something, or disowned me. It would make me feel less guilty." Gerard looked at me, and i thought for a minute, almost in an angry way.

"You don't wish that." he breathed.

"What?" i was confused now...i did.

"No. Do you want me to tell you what happened when i told my parents? I warn you, it's grim and my dad's words will haunt me forever." he was distant and i could tell this wasn't a pleasant memory for him, but he was willing to tell me and i was willing to learn more about him, it would connect us a lot more to know about each others pasts and if i were to spend the rest of my life...wait no. The rest of eternity with him, then it's best that i know.

"I want to know" i whispered back at him.

"Okay then, you asked for it" he replied pulling me back to our original position, with him stroking my hair i just snuggled up even closer this time thinking he may need the extra emotional support.

"Well, i was in the living room with my parents and Mikey. Mikey had just got a girlfriend, he was about 13 and Mom and dad were teasing him about it, not that he really minded, her name was Cindy, i had met her she was really nice and i backed Mikey up. Then my dad turned to me and started teasing me that Mikey had a girlfriend and i didn't. It had been bothering me for a while, i didn't know if and when i should tell them so i jut told them. I told them that i was actually going out with someone. My Dad asked me who and Mikey squeezed my hand reassuringly...so i told him that his name was Alec." he winced slightly "My dad stood up and started screaming at me, but Mikey stayed next to me being a very supportive brother. my Dad said that i could only stay until i was 16 and had to move out. I was 15 and a half then. My parents made my life a living nightmare, my dad said i was going to hell. but i know i'm not. They may have le me stay in the house but they migh as well have disowned me...seriously. Mikey was the only person i could talk to in that house. That night, i tried to slit my wrists but Mikey stopped me when he found me in the bathroom with the razor. he reminded me not to take anyones shit. So i didn't. So you can probably see why i didn't want him to think my death was a suicide." i nodded.

"Gee I had no idea." he shrugged.

"It's okay now i promise. i have you" he pulled me in close.

"And i am yours forever." i answered. Meaning every word.

I don't know how long we stayed like that until we finally fell asleep. When i woke up in the morning i was lying on my stomach with Gerard's weight pressing down on me. He had rolled onto me in the night but i didn't care. It just felt right to be here with him. He moved slightly and his face was resting on mine, our cheeks touching and his steady breathing was so soothing to hear. I never wanted to move, but i knew what i had to do today, Gerard would stay with me until it was over, then he would be waiting on the other side for me. We would be together forever, no matter what.

I already knew what i was going to do. Gerard crashed outside the children's playground at 12:07 pm. So would i, i would die in the crash and then hopefully nothing would go wrong...what else could go wrong? Here with gerard, it felt like nothing could ever go wrong. Elena had told us what to do and we were going to do it to the letter, in about 6 hours i will be dead.

Mikey's POV

I walked up to my room. I was going to talk to Aunt Elena. I needed to check that when Frank crashed he would get to gerard with no problems. Seriously this kid obviously meant the world to my brother and if it matters to Gerard it matters to me.

I set up the board and placed my hand on the pointer;

"Elena? Auntie? It's Mikey."


"Hey, Elena this is quite serious, when frank crashes the car like Gerard what will happen?"


"What, why did you cut off?"


"Why!!! Elena!" my heart literally skipped beats, what was wrong?

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okay. comment cos im not updatin till u do! lol