‹ Prequel: I Do Not Fall For Boys

I've Got A Mosaic Heart

Puke's what your body rejects, i am but your vomit

“Morning star-shine” Bam smiled, goofily.
“Shut up” I winced in the pain of my throbbing head.
“Ah, shucks such a warm welcome” laughed Lindé.
I turned and glared at him, “You. You shut up” I pointed accusingly.
“You feeling ok?” Midge asked looking up from the game of monopoly he and [a very uninterested looking but somewhat forced] Burton were playing.
“My head” I whined, rubbing my forehead with a pained expression on my face.
“What does this learn us, hmm” Bam asked, giving me a hug. I pushed him off and game him a dirty look.
“Hey man, you puked all over me last night, should you really be being cruel to me?” Bam laughed.
“I did what?” I asked, my voice slow and confused.
“Never mind” he replied with a sweet smile that made me feel guilty for being mean to him.
“Uh, ok...whatever. It was probably your own fault anyway.” I replied, unpleasantly as I walked down the hall a horrid stench filled my nose. It smelt like vomit, I wrinkled my nose in disgust realizing it was coming from the laundry.
Laying in the laundry basket lay Bam’s shirt and jeans completely covered in vomit. ‘You puked all over me last night, should you really be being cruel to me’ Bam’s words echoed through my mind. No, surely I didn’t puke all over him. If I did I would’ve been covered in puke too. I glanced back at the laundry basket, under Bam’s clothes lay more puke covered clothes. Mine. Oh god, no I didn’t...yeah I did. He cleaned up my puke...puke I also chucked on him, you know that feeling when you know you’re completely wrong and it makes you feel so guilty like you’re going to puke. Puke, the upchucked crap your body rejects...that’s how I felt right now. I’m such an idiot, Bam’s the best thing to ever happen to me so what do I do? I puke on him then blame everything on him. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want me.