Sweetheart, There's No Sweet Talking Your Way out of This One

Sweet Talk

Something happens at school, at work. Someone says something you don't like. Someone does something yu don't agree with.
It's how it always starts. You get pissed, stew in your anger all day, and come home. They do one thing wrong. You unleash.
Punches are thrown. Words are spat out like venom. Anything you can get your hands on flys away.
You catch that look in their eyes. That innocent, pleading look; so raw, so human. It makes you feel human again. You stop, and all you can say is,
"I'm sorry."
It won't mean anything. You've said it too many times before. But you say it anyways, over and over and over again.
You say it until you're blue in the face. You say until your throat starts to hurt. You say until, finally, the look is gone.
A kiss goodnight and everything is back to normal. They crawl into bed with you, ready for a new day. They hope with all their heart that it won't turn out like today.
But tomorrow is the same. Next week is the same. Next month is the same. They go through so much pain, and one day realize;
If you won't change, they're going to have to.
"I'm sorry."
You it again, and again, and again. It yeilds no result. You know nothing else, so you say until you're blue in the face. You say until your throat starts to hurt.
You can say it all you want.

They're done with you.