Relationship Suicide



Waking up in George's arms wasn't how Honor thought this weekend would begin. It's not that she didn't want this, because of course she did. She'd never let someone, let alone George, force her into bed with them. Guilt hadn't even crept upon her yet, like it usually did after they'd had sex. That was probably bound to come later though, it always did. Just seeing his name flash across the screen of her phone, with the promise of hearing his cheery tone made guilt stab into her gut, like a freezing icicle, stabbing away at her organs, until she was frozen.

Honor shifted slightly, making the worn mattress shiver. George stirred slightly and opened his eyes, closing them again and trying to fall back to sleep. Honor laid her head on his chest, her soft brown hair tickling his bare skin. He shivered slightly and opened one eye to look at the girl laying under his duvet with him. Was it love or lust? Neither of them could be sure. But George knew this, he'd never felt this way before. With Honor everything was perfect for him, and he was pretty sure she felt the same.

As usual, perfection rarely lasted. And as usual, they were awake for mere minutes, when Honor's phone nosily buzzed on George's nightstand, forcing a groan from George and a small smile from Honor, as she reaches across and flips it open, seeing his name on the screen. They exchange mushy greetings, promises of seeing each other later that day and then mushy goodbyes.

"I have to go," Honor would say, kissing George's jaw gently, before slipping out of his bed. She'd gather her clothes up and slip on each item, slowly concealing the view of her body from the lust filled teenager, currently laid in his bed, staring at her, watching and analysing her every move.

Once Honor was done, George would clamber from his bed, slipping on a pair of filthy boxers from his bedroom floor and pull an equally as smelly shirt over his head. He had no one to impress, he was only going to slump downstairs, offer her some breakfast, which she always declined sweetly. He'd then see her out of the front door and watch her walk off down the street.

And thats exactly what happened. But today as he was watching her disappear around the corner at the very end of the street, his mother appeared at his side.

"Isn't that the girl who's going out with Mark?" She asked curiously, after having see Mark and Honor holding hands and kissing last week.

"Yeah, she is," George answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cause Kyle was supposed to be done by now, but it got deleted from my drafts.
So, I decided to put this part up cause I'm like two parts ahead. I'll finish Kyle before posting more of this.
I may change the title and the narrative of this, we'll see anyways.

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