Relationship Suicide



The air was musty and it was dark in the cellar at Jack's house. It had been two days since Honor had stupidly revealed her deepest, darkest secret to George and it had been awkward ever since. Whenever he caught her looking at him, he'd grab Verity and kiss her passionately, showing Honor exactly what she was missing. So, she'd get him back and kiss Mark exactly the same. It went on like that. It was stupid and both of them knew that, but it was their childish way of getting back at each other.

"I think I'll need to find a new light bulb, will you be okay down here on your own?" Jack asked. He was holding the glass bulb in one hand, a small smile on his face. Honor had always liked Jack, they were friends, and she saw him as nothing more. She sometimes wished it could be like that with George.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I won't smash anything up, don't worry," she smiled softly, and watched him disappear up the steep stone staircase. She shivered slightly, listening to the animated conversation that was happening in the Sails' family kitchen. Mark was up there, along with Dan and Sam, and now Jack.

George wasn't here yet. She knew he'd chosen to be fashionably late. Either that or he was busy with Verity. The name made her stomach turn over and over. She hated herself for wanting to slap the girl across the face whenever she saw her, but it was jealousy eating away at her, biting and chomping until it won.

The upstairs door opened and then footsteps ran down the steps, followed by a slight crash and a familiar curse. Within seconds, George appeared at the bottom of the steps, he hobbled over to the closest chair and sat down on it, inspecting his toes for injury.

"Haven't broken anything, have you?" Honor asked, curiously. Concern of this intensity shouldn't be washing over her now, but it was. She wanted him to be perfectly fine and she waited until he'd finished his inspection and looked up at her.

"No, the toes live to fight another day," George informed her, he stood up and walked towards the middle of the room, occupying himself with adjusting a microphone stand. If he sat and stared at her long enough, he'd have to go over and rip her clothes off. He needed more self control, and a distraction should help him.

"I'm sorry about Monday night. I shouldn't have said it."

"Did you mean it?" He paused, looking up at her hopefully.

One thing Honor hated was being put on the spot, it made her squirm and writhe. She hated being asked questions like this. Especially when no one was around to pull her out of the deep end and drag her to safety.

She nodded slowly. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't."

George nodded and left the microphone stand, walking over to where Honor was seated, he gently took hold of her hand and pulled her to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her waist, their faces were only inches apart. His breath was hot on her skin, making it tingle.

"I love you, Honor. More than anything and anyone else in this world."

"I love you too, George." Her arms wrapped around his neck and he lowered his face, his lips meeting hers. This was the moment they'd longed for, to be alone, to have this. He hoped someone would find them and he hoped it would be Mark. It was selfish for him to think like that, but it's what he desperately wanted.

Honor was lost. This was some sort of heaven for her. George's kisses were far more addictive than Mark's. Her body melted into his, she didn't feel like a spare part, she felt wanted and needed. She kissed him more, not letting him pull away for air. He wouldn't suffocate, he wanted this just as much as she did.

With both of their lips locked together, their eyes closed, their minds clouded over with no thoughts filling them, no guilt or anything, they failed to hear footsteps padding down the stairs.

Jack's eyes widened as he saw two of his closest friends locked in a furious and desperate kiss. The glass light bulb dropped from his weak grasp, shattering on the stone floor. He disappeared back up the steps, not sticking around to watch them spring apart.