Relationship Suicide



The cool night air tingled Honor's bare arms. She rubbed them to try and generate some sort of heat. The hairs on them were standing on end, goosebumps emerging from the depths of the skin. Her teeth chattered slightly, her hair whipping around her face, sticking to the gloss that was covering her lips.

She was currently standing alone in the queue outside the tiny venue. The line was moving incredibly slowly, due to people in the queue not being in possession of a ticket, then if they were brave enough, they'd square up to the security guard at the front, checking people's tickets. The security guard refused them entry and had to use force with some of the more demanding members of the public.

It was those types that were going to get the blame for Honor coming down with hypothermia or pneumonia. She shivered again, the tiny piece of card was sticking out of her jeans pocket. The words 'One Night Only' were printed on it. George had dropped it off earlier, along with a kiss.

After another half an hour, Honor had only moved a few paces forward. She was no where near getting into the building, and she knew she'd miss their set if she waited here any longer. She dived into her pocket and pulled her phone out, just as it began buzzing in her hand. The name 'George' flashing across the screen. She flipped it open and held it to her ear.

"Hello, George."

"Honor, are you still outside? I don't know what's happening, there's hardly anyone in here at the moment."

"Yeah, idiots keep trying to get in without tickets. Security are getting a hell of a lot of trouble tonight. You guys are bigger than you let on."

He chuckled. "Right. I'm coming to get you, stay where you are, okay?"

"Yes sir. I love you."

"Love you too." The line went dead and she flipped her phone back down, shoving it in her pocket.

Within minutes George was standing in front of her. He smiled brightly and wrapped his arm securely around her waist, guiding her to the front of the queue. Girls standing in the line of people, glared at her, shot dirty looks her way, each of them as envious as the next. They all wanted to be the girl on George's arm. Honor was the lucky one. She wondered if they'd have felt the same if it had been Mark who was whisking her to the front of the queue.

The security guard took her ticket and ripped it, handing it back to her, allowing her to follow George inside. She grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers through his own. He pulled her close to him. The two of them standing close, staring into each others eyes, whilst music drifted around the room from the speakers situated on the stage. The atmosphere was slightly smoky, the air warm before anything had begun.

"How's Mark?" Honor asked, curiously. She was genuinely interested in how he was. She hoped he'd shown up, and she hoped he and George had put their problems aside for tonight.

George shrugged. "Hasn't spoken to me since we got here. If he has anything to say, he sends it through Dan, since there's only him and Sam actually talking to me right now. He hasn't said anything about you and neither has Jack. So in answer to your question, I don't know."

She nodded. Them staying away from each other was better than them trying to rip each other's throats out every verse end. She squeezed his hand tightly. "I love you, George."

He smiled and leaned down, kissing her lips gently. "I love you too." He pulled a face and with his free hand, reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He stabbed at a couple of buttons and stared at the screen. Sighing he shoved it back into his pocket. "I've got to go. I'll see you after, okay?"

Honor smiled and nodded, pecking his lips again. "Good luck, babe."

He let go of her hand and walked off into the darkness, she watched until he disappeared. She wrapped her arms around her body and walked towards the edge of the crowd, standing alone, she felt like a spare part. She didn't know what she should do, whilst she waited.

The lights dimmed, throwing the crowd into darkness. Cheers and screams echoed around the room. Purple lights cast across the stage, illuminating four familiar boys who walked on, each picking up instruments and walking to their places. Honor's eyes connected with George's and she smiled at him, they then swivelled towards Mark, who was glaring at her, his eyes filled with hatred and hurt.

And the icicle of guilt returned, stabbing away at her organs, she thought were fixed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next one is the finale.
And unfortunately in the last one, George is fully clothed.
Sorry. :)