Relationship Suicide



Honor's emerald eyes widened and a thin film of salty water blurred her vision slightly. Bianca's wide eyed expression had transformed into a hard glare. Her slim falsely tanned arms folded across her chest and a frown etched onto her forehead, knitting her blonde eyebrows together.

George wasn't aware of the sudden tension, having poured two glasses of chilled coca cola, he was now searching for a tray of ice cubes in the Sails' family freezer.

Honor left the kitchen and walked towards Bianca, who went to flee down the stairs, but Honor grabbed the blonde girl's arm, keeping a tight grip on it so Bianca winced and turned to glare at her some more.

"Don't tell anyone, please, Bianca," Honor's tone was desperate, her eyes pleading with Bianca's. She could feel the sting of the tears in her eyes becoming unbearable. They were going to fall and her weakness was going to shine through.

Bianca roughly pulled her arm from Honor's now weakened grasp and glared at the girl she called a friend. She regretted everything she'd ever told her. If she was being unfaithful to Mark, what other crimes had she committed? For all Bianca knew, Honor could have told everyone all the secrets and scandals she'd revealed. "I can't promise that, Honor. Quit with George or end it with Mark. You can't have them both." She walked through the open door and descended the steep stone steps.

Honor closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. This was far from planned. Her and George had been careful for the past six months, but one slip up was going to cause so much damage. This would break Mark's heart, if he ever found out. And where would it leave the band? George? Her? What would happen? It wasn't easy for her to think of that.

"Honor, are you okay?" George asked, handing her one of the tall glasses filled to the brim with dark carbonated liquid. The bubbles fizzed inside it, rising to the top of the glass and disappearing on the surface. She wished she could be a bubble and disappear.

She shook her head in response to his question. "Bianca knows. I'm going home. Can you tell Mark I'm sick or something?" She slammed the glass down on the small wooden table in the hall. The cola sloshed out of the glass, splashing into the table and her hand. She wiped it across the thigh of her jeans and reached up to pull her jacket from the few hooks nailed into the wall.

"I'll come with you," he stated more than offered. George quickly swallowed all of the liquid in his glass, before placing it down beside Honor's almost full one.

"George, you need to stay and keep an eye on Bianca. I mean, what if she tells everyone about us? Everything will come crashing down on us, and - " George covered her lips with his own, wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her closer to him.

Honor's arms instantly wrapped around George's neck and her lips moved in time with his own. Mark's face burst into her mind and she pulled away from him, shaking her head. "I need to go, and you need to stay."

"Honor, I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not. At least let me walk you home," he fixed his eyes on her own and widened them. Desperate times called for desperate measures. It wouldn't be long before someone's footsteps were bounding up the stairs and they were caught once again.

"Fine," she gave in, pecking his lips again and falling into him, resting her forehead on his shoulder.

The front door burst open and the pair sprung away from each other like two magnets repelling. Dan and Sam stumbled inside, the pair had rosy red cheeks from the cool wind, it was also a sign they'd probably been running at some point during their journey.

"God, it's cold, it's May and it's like the North Pole. What is wrong with the world?" Sam asked, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it on one of the hooks. "Is everything okay?" He'd sensed the atmosphere. The desperation, the rush, the need.

"Fine. Honor's not feeling too good, so I'm going to walk her home. Tell them I'll be back soon," George said, catching the front door, before it slammed shut behind Dan.

"Isn't that Mark's job?" Dan asked, his tone curious, yet a small smile crept onto his face.

"No, it's not," Honor snapped. It was a foolish way to react. Dan and Sam were sure to put two and two together and figure it out. Then everyone would know. Her worst nightmare would come true.

George rubbed her arm comfortingly. "Let's go." The two of them stepped outside. All the way back to her house, Honor kept a distance between her and George. She was being extra cautious, just in case anyone else they knew popped up.

They got to her house safely, and George followed her inside. Honor called out to her parents, but instead of either one replying, her sister slunk into the hall from the living room. Her eyes fixing on George. Honor scoffed. "Poppy, put your eye's away. Where's mum and dad?"

The twelve year old glared at her older sister, folding her arms and pouting. "Out. Somewhere, I wasn't listening." She stole one last longing look at George before wandering back into the living room, making sure to sway her hips as she did so.

Honor rolled her eyes and slipped her feet from her shoes and threw her coat into the cupboard under the stairs. George copied her actions. Both of them knew what the other was thinking, only one had much stronger urges than the other.

She bounded up the stairs and his footsteps followed. He followed her into her bedroom and seated himself down on her unmade bed.

Honor ignored George sitting on her bed and walked over to her desk, seating herself on the small chair and stabbing the 'on' button for her laptop. She drummed her fingers against the wooden desk as the machine in front of her loaded. She was ignoring the guilt stabbing her gut, and resisting the urge to go over to George and jump on him. She needed more self control.

Once the screen flicked on, she began tapping at the keys, accessing various websites she was signed up to, checking for mail or comments from her friends. Neither of which she'd received. She sighed heavily and switched the laptop off, closing it and turning to face George.

He was still seated on her bed, only now the majority of his clothing was littering the laminate flooring in her bedroom. His boxers were the only thing he was wearing, those and a smirk on his face.

"You're lucky your good looking, George Craig." She pulled herself to her feet and walked over to him. He stood up as well and pushed his boxers to the floor below them, kicking them away, wrapping his arms around Honor and pulling her back onto the bed with him.

And she forgot about the guilt still destroying her insides.