Relationship Suicide



Her forehead was resting against the ice cold glass of her window. Her breath clouding the glass. Her index finger drew a heart in the cloud, beside the heart she drew out the letters 'H' and 'M'. She then wiped the 'M' away and replaced it for a 'G'.

The rain hammering against the glass was only reflecting her mood. She was miserable, just like the weather. She sometimes thought the weather controlled her mood and vice versa. Though she was no superhero with a lame power, she was just Honor. A liar, a bitch, a cheater and a user. She was disgusted with herself.

Her eyes travelled back towards her bed, where George was still laid. The soft duvet covering him. Unlike her sister, Honor didn't need to use her imagination to know what was underneath it. It was something she was neither pleased nor proud of. Bianca had been right, she had to end it with George.

He shifted slightly on the bed, the mattress shivered under his weight and he moved so he was laid on his stomach. He opened one eye and smiled across at Honor. "How long have you been up?" He mumbled, his voice still raspy from it's lack of use.

She shrugged. "A while. I thought you should get some rest. Your phone's been going off a lot." That was true. It had. Buzzing away in the pocket of his too tight jeans. She'd plucked it out to see who was calling for him. Every time it was someone different. Mark, Dan, Jack, Sam, Bianca and his mother.

George groaned, rubbing one eye and propping himself up on his elbow. "Why can't I just be left in peace?" He pushed the duvet away from his body and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Honor kept her eyes on the floor below them that was littered in the pair's clothing. If she looked up she knew lust would creep upon her and that would be it, they'd be right back at square one.

"George, I think we need to talk." She slipped from her perch on the window sill and padded across the room to where he was pulling his boxers on. "About quite a few things."

"What things? What could we possibly talk about, that we haven't already?" His tone was slightly irritated. Honor knew she wasn't the one irritating him, it was everything and everyone else.

"Um," she hesitated, twisting the thin material of the grey jumper she'd pulled over her head the second she'd dragged herself from her bed. "I think we should finish this."

"Finish what?" His jeans were on, and he was pulling his own t-shirt over his head. He ran a hand through his tousled hair and looked at her expectantly. He was hoping she'd walk over to him and rip his clothes off again.

"This. Us. This stupid web we've got tangled in. George, can't you see that we're just prey for the spiders? Bianca knows, and the second she opens her mouth everyone else will too. We'll be hated, and I don't even want to think about what this will do to Mark, the band, everyone. I don't think I could cope seeing you hurt and it being my fault."

"I wouldn't be hurt. I want Bianca to tell people, then we can finally be together. I'd love it if we didn't have to sneak around, if we didn't have to lie to everyone we know. It's for the best, Honor, and you know it is."

She wrapped her arms across her torso, staring straight into his eyes, her expression anxious, hurt, painful. He wasn't making this any easier for her at all. "No. We couldn't. That would really be rubbing it in Mark's face. I know that this got a lot more serious than either of us expected it to, but let's just forget it ever happened."

His smile had faltered. His eyes were sparkling with hurt. "I can't just forget. Honor, I'm in love with you. I love you, more than anything and anyone else on this planet!"

"No," she whispered, closing her eyelids and shaking her head. "No, you don't. Please don't say that when you don't mean it, George, this is hard enough as it is."

"It's the truth, and I know you love me back. Your in love with me and not Mark, why can't you see that? I'm so much better for you than he is. You actually feel the same way about me as I do about you. With you and Mark there's nothing. No spark. God, Honor, you're even lying to him about your sex life!"

"Well I never planned to lose it to you, did I? It just happened!"

"No, but you never told him that, did you? If you end this, they'll know somethings wrong. Please, Honor, don't break my heart."

"I have to George. I'm breaking my own heart too."

He shook his head. "You still have Mark."

"No. I don't. I'm ending it with him too."

"So we can be together?"

She shook her head, a single tear escaped her eye and fell down her cheek.