Relationship Suicide



The sound of bowling balls knocking over several pins was the soundtrack of the bowling alley. That, and the ever constant thudding dance music and a cheer whenever someone managed to get themselves a strike. It was busy for a Monday night, with young children running around, pressing their faces against the glass of the crane machine in the arcade, begging their parents to try and win them one of the soft toys held captive between the four glass walls.

Honor clutched at the stuffed pink dinosaur that Mark had managed to win for her. It was the last thing she needed, another stuffed toy to add to the ever growing mountain that lived on top of her wardrobe, but she plastered on a bright smile and hugged and kissed him. She wanted to make this work, and in order for that to happen she had to be the part of loving girlfriend, even though she knew it was wrong.

They all watched as Sam got yet another strike, he punched the air and jumped up and down, before seating himself down beside Mark. "I'm winning, aren't I? Of course I am, though it's not your fault your not very good at this," Sam grinned at the rest of the group sat around.

Honor shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She was exhausted from lack of sleep. Throughout the past couple of days she'd taught herself to push George to the back of her mind, and she managed to do just that when she was with other people, or out doing something. But whenever her head rested on her pillow her mind always wandered back to him, she thought about his face, his hair, his clothes, his voice, everything and it stopped her from sleeping. It probably didn't help that her sheets still smelt like him.

"Honor, it's your go," Dan nudged her side gently.

"Oh," hearing her name brought her back down to earth and she placed the pink dinosaur in Dan's lap, before standing and walking over to pick which bowling ball she was going to use.

"Don't hurt yourself," George smiled up at her, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He pushed his fingers into a bright green ball and picked it up, walking over to the line and positioning himself, in an attempt to make himself look some sort of bowling expert.

Honor tried to ignore him and preoccupied herself with checking the weight of the bowling balls on offer to her. She selected a bright orange one and picked it up, walking towards the line, where George was still trying to get into a perfect strike position.

"Georgie, hurry up!" A shrill sickening voice pierced the air and Honor shuddered. She glanced over her shoulder to see the girl from the other day, the one who had received many lust filled, passionate kisses from George. Since then she'd learned the girl's name was Verity and she was a year younger than them. Honor didn't even know the girl and she already despised every bone in her petite body.

"You can't rush the perfect strike, Verity," George shot her a smile to make any girl melt, before scowling at Sam who was howling with laughter.

"Like you're going to knock any pins down," he chuckled.

The anger was building up. George always had to be the centre of attention, everyone always had to look at him, he was the singer, the front man, the one girls would want plastered on their bedroom walls, he was going to over shadow his four best friends, he was going to over shadow her boyfriend. Honor felt the bubble filled with hatred, and anger blow up inside her. She swung her arm back and let go of the ball, watching it roll down the alley, before it knocked every single pin down.

She looked across at George, who was staring, wide eyed, his jaw open. "And that's how you do it, George," her tone was sickly sweet, a show for the others. She'd be able to hiss and spit at him later. She walked back across to the others, high fiving Sam on her way past, before slumping down beside Dan.

Jack grinned across at her, his arm wrapped around Bianca's shoulder. She glared, hard, harsh, nasty. She didn't know it was over, she didn't know a single thing that had happened since then. Honor was desperate to tell her, but she couldn't just blurt it out right here and now.

"I'll be right back," she announced, standing and walking across the length of the room, past other parties of people, some celebrating birthdays, others just there for fun, all of them were happy, smiling, unaware of the dark clouds following the teenage girl that was walking past them.

Honor pushed open the door leading to the women's toilets. The room was empty, silent and eerie. She walked over to the sinks and stared at herself in the mirror.

The same girl stared back. A liar, a cheat, a bitch. She didn't deserve Mark. He was far too good for her, and the sad thing was that he didn't even realise it. Her eyes glazed over with a thin film of salt water. She let her eyelids drop closed and she inhaled deeply, controlling her emotions.

The distant sound of the door swinging open filled the room and then footsteps, someone's shoes clicking against the grimy tiles that were laid on the floor. The footsteps stopped, and she couldn't hear anything, apart from her own heart pounding in her chest and her breathing.


Her eyelids shot open and she looked at the mirror reflection, seeing George standing behind her. She spun around, ready to lay into him, to infect him with her poison. She wanted to say she hated him, that he should be ashamed of himself for using Verity to make her jealous. "George pl-" He'd stepped closer to her, wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and pressed his lips to her own.

It was wrong. She didn't want to react, but soon her tongue was moving along with his own, one hand gently tangling in his hair, the other resting against his chest. She could feel his heart pumping away in the middle of his rib cage.

George was the one who pulled out of the kiss first, resting his forehead against hers. "Honor, I'm so sorry, but I want this, I need this. I need you in my life, and I don't mean as a friend. I know you don't want to hurt Mark, but I can tell you want this too."

"George, I want to hate you, but I can't. This can't happen. Even if I break up with Mark, we can't be together, that'd just be a huge stab in the back for him, and - " he kissed her again, but this time she pulled away. "Listen to me, or leave me alone for gods sake George!" She roughly pushed his chest and he stumbled away from her.

"I'm so confused," he ran a hand through his over styled, tousled hair.

"George, I'm in love with you," She clamped her hand over her mouth, but the words had already escaped. She'd told him her best secret. "Oh shit." Pushing past him, she ran back towards where everyone else was seated, watching Jack's pathetic attempt at knocking pins down.

"You okay?" Mark asked, taking in her watery eyes and flushed cheeks. He slipped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. She reached over and took his beer from his hand, glugging half of the contents that were left and handing it back to him.

"Perfect," she smiled up at him and kissed his lips gently. Looking over her shoulder she saw George standing behind them, his hands clenched into fists, his face as hard as stone. He walked back towards his seat and grabbed Verity, pressing their lips forcefully together, he kept one eye open, resting his gaze on Honor.

She gagged inwardly and moved closer to Mark, making his body block her view. The flame of jealousy was back, burning up her insides and she knew it wasn't going to go away, at least until she was in Verity's position.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually like this part, not to sound conceited.
Why are my characters always angst ridden little rain clouds? :)