Press Coverage

Oh yes..MCR bought me Subway...

God today was soo great! The guys from MCR are incredible, they're so friendly, I even managed to get Bob to talk! I walked out the K! building rather happy for once, then realised I had no money for a cab. And it was about to rain. Shit. I shouldn't have bought MCR Starbucks! Dammit. I put my hood up and trudged along the now dirty streets of London and towards my flat. I wedged my iPod's headphones into my ears and put it on shuffle. I smiled to myself. MCR-Our Lady Of Sorrows, my favorite song off the first album. A good 20 minutes later and 3 flights of stairs I was home.
"Hello?" I called as opened the door and switched Nessie (my iPod) off. Sean was sprawled out on the settee, guitar laid across his lap, asleep.
"Hey honey how was your day? You look tired, let me run you a bath and make you dinner. Oh and if you want we can go see that movie you like instead of going out for drinks." I mumbled to myself.
"OI!!" I yelled and slammed the door shut, making Sean jump and nearly drop his guitar.
"Fucking hell..." he muttered clutching his guitar like his only child. "Oh, hi." he smiled at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm getting a shower then I'm going out." I told him.
"What about dinner?"
"The guys I were interviewing bought me some." Oh yes, MCR bought me Subway!
"Ok, who were you interviewing?"
"My Chemical Romance."
"Isn't that the band where you have a crush on the guitar player?"
"It's not a crush, I said he was hot one time."
"So the hot guitarist took you for dinner?"
"Oh my god...the bought me Subway and Frank didn't even pay, Gerard did."
"So you're on first name terms with him?"
"Quit fucking blowing it out of proportion." I told him then walked into the bathroom. I got ready (shower, hair make up, all that jazz) then got dressed. Black dress, pink leggings with black skulls, pink sparkly pumps and shag bands. I grabbed my jacket and bag then headed out.
"I'll be back before 1 Sean." I called. I didn't here an answer. I saw he'd scribbled something on our whiteboard. 'Back whenever, at Johns.' I sighed to myself and walked into our guest room where my dogs (Moriarty and Pinstripe) and cat (Cecil) lived. I checked they were ok, then finally went out. I soon walked through the doors of my friend Polly's bar. Well it wasn't really a bar, or a club or a pub. It served alcohol and had good music. That's all that mattered. I walked upto the bar and Polly stood there on the otherside.
"You'll never guess who just walked in?" she whispered, with a huge grin on her face.
"My Chemical Romance!" she squealed and pointed. I turned and saw the guys who I'd just spent the whole day with. They saw me and waved me other. Polly handed me a drink and I walked over. This was gonna be a good night...