Press Coverage

Like a bunch of roses

ImageLottie's POV
I was fucking late. I was sentanced to get everyone coffee then spend all day at my desk typing up an article I need a few days ago with Fred from TBS. It was random question generator, I loved doing those. I was doing some serious spinning round inmy chair when I hit something. I looked up and saw...
"Frank! How are you?" I said, shocked he was here.
"Better than last night ha! Listen I'm really sorry I puked on your shoes, here." he handed me a bunch of dark red roses.
"Wow, their beautiful Frank, and it's ok, they were old anyway."
"I still feel bad though, is there anything I can do?" At that moment Mike walked past amd stopped at my desk for a second.
"Umm, Lottie since Iero's here, can you do that interveiw with him?" he nodded and walked off before I could say anything.
"Yeah, could you do that for me?" I asked.
"Sure, I'll take you to lunch if you want, we can do it there?" Frank suggested.
"That'd be great, I'm meant to be in the office all day." I told him as I grabbed my black and green star hoody and we headed out the door. A bottle of wine, a good meal and loads of laughs later we had an interview. I was just about to leave when Frank stopped me.
"Here, they're just like your other shoes that I puked on." he told me, shrugging a little and handing me a package. I opened it and saw a pair of shoes just like mine, only these were designer...
"Frank, they're great! You didn;t have to do this for me." I said in awe as I sat back down and put them on. They fitted perfectly. I stood back up again, this time I had to leave.
"I'd love to shower you with praise and hugs and wine but I've really gotta get going. I had fun, thanks." I smiled at him.
"Me too." he stood up as well and we hugged, and I felt some movement near my hair and chin, but I didn't question it. I walked back, not knowing what would be on the front covers of the papers the next day...