
Chapter 2

Still Boysenberry's POV

I sighed as Aaron opened the café. Toff and Lia was sitting down by a table by the window. I was in the back kitchen when Mark entered.

"Your friends are nice.." he stated.

"Yeah. That's why I am friends with them." I said and giggled.

"How did you meet them?"

"Ehm, it's actually a fun story.. Our odd names is actually what brought us together, and when we started talking we really got along great.."

"Odd names? I agree that Toff is a bit odd, but Lia isn't.. Is it?"

"Lia? No. But her real name is Liquorice, so. And Toff is short for Toffee.. So, yeah."


I heard the bell that Aaron hung above the door ring, telling us a customer just entered. I walked out and saw them sit down by a table by the window. I went to take their orders. As I went back to get what they wanted I went to Lia and Toffand hissed 'No food fights' to them. They looked like two kicked puppies and I couldn't help but giggle slightly.

Three hours into the shift and it was crowded. We were so understaffed.

"Aaron, you have to hire more waitors, me and mark can't deal with this kind of pressure all on our own!"

"You're right, Boysenberry.. maybe your friends want a job?"

"One; Please don't call me by my full name, it's Boy please. And two; having those two maniacs working here would not be safe, but ask them if you want to.."

"Well, then." he said, looking at me with his piercing green eyes and a hand through his blonde hair. "I shall go ask them now."

I sighed and watch him go to Lia's and Toff's table. they are so gonna mess this place up, but I wanred him..
♠ ♠ ♠
NOW, It's up to Lia and Toff to update, since I don't know what they'll answer to aarons question if they wanna work there or not. XD

Oh, and the son'g on my chapters are so you can kinda understand my character, since I'm bouling Boysenberry a lot on myself.. And i LOOOOOVE Skillet =^__^=