Place In My Heart

Last Minute

She bounced and glided gracefully across the wooden floor. Her bare feet were leading her from one side of the room, to the other as she swayed her hips along with the beat of music pouring through the CD player that was out-dated in terms of technology. She fastened the hooks on the frilly bra that she'd been battling to put on, and smiled at the voice she could hear.

Dancing in her underwear to One Night Only made her feel like a tease, for some bizarre reason. Something inside her felt so wrong and she knew she'd blush horrifically the next time she saw one of the members in case they somehow knew. Yet she simply adored doing it. The hairs on her arms weren't standing on end due to the lack of material she had covering her, but at the upbeat song which had such an opposite hidden meaning. Sharply, she pressed the fast forward button to skip to the next track, just as George sang we love you so much.

She dragged the empty suitcase onto the bed she'd been sleeping in for the past month and opened it with a sigh. It was ready to be filled once more, and carried back to the bustling city of London.

Lights flashed and the alerting sound of vibrating on a solid surface grabbed her attention from the wardrobe that was temporarily holding her clothes. She picked it up quickly, checking the screen. There was a momentary rise of utter embarrassment as she registered the name and dove to cut off the music completely before accepting the call. She couldn't handle his reaction if he heard it playing in the background.

"Hello George." she winced as her voice came out slightly squeakier than her trademark tone that rolled so calmly and sweetly like syrup.

"Did I catch you off guard Cori?" the smug smirk he was wearing was evident as he informed her that he had noticed the change too.

"Oh awfully, I've got water droplets dripping all down me and in my fluster I dropped the towel that was covering me," she lied wickedly "I'm so lucky you just phoned me rather than popping round."

The other end fell completely silent. She bit down on her lip to suppress her laughter as there was an unmistakable sharp breath taken. No longer could he be completely cocky in the conversation, and she allowed a victorious giggle out to mark it.

She took his lack of words as an opportunity to remove the phone away from her ear long enough to slip into an over sized jumper, which fell to her knees. "Anyway, to what do I owe this complete honour of Mr. Craig calling me? I thought you were organising things with the band all day. Honestly, why do leave it till the last minute?"

"Oh please, like we want to spend the break obsessing over details of what happens once it's over. So, it's erm, last minute that I'm phoning you really. Which I know is probably going to be a problem for you actually..."

"Okay, do you want me to prise it out of you or are you going to cut the blabbering short?" she grinned, falling down onto the free space on the mattress so she was looking up to the cream painted ceiling.

"Maybe I've changed my mind about keeping you around since you're not being nice." he moaned like a boy half of his eighteen years. Her heart did melt at the immaturity that she found was such an endearing quality he possessed.

"Alright then, I'll just hang up now. Bye Georgie boy!"

"No! No no no, don't do that," he yelped, truly believing she would do it which caused her smile to widen more than imaginably possible "I need to ask you this or I'll kick myself."

"I don't want you hurting yourself, so I suppose I can stick around to hear it before I decline."

"Will you come with us? I know you plan to go back home when we leave, but think about how brilliant it'd be. Nina will be there too, so you two can spend even more time together and well, I want you there."

She sat upright so quickly that a blood rush formed in her mind that made her vision blurry and her head feel light, but she didn't care. She could only focus on the excitement that was bubbling through her whole body, causing her limbs to shake due to the adrenaline that was just sitting her blood stream.

This was a real chance to live, see things most people only dreamed of. There was only one possible answer to this offer and she was so ready to shriek it down the phone and thank him profusely. Adding to it all, there was the happiness of knowing she didn't have to part with everyone, at least not anytime soon.

"Oh George, really!? Thank you so much, I'd really love to. As long as I'm not imposing, consider me there."

"Of course it's not a problem. Though, you'll have to double up in a bunk with someone. I suppose it won't be an issue if you shared with Nina." she could hear the relief that was thick in his voice, pleased that he hadn't been rejected.

"Oh. Well, you wouldn't mind if I didn't would you? It's just that I've been sharing with her for so long now and I need a change of scenery. I'll take the couch or something," then a thought kept pressing into her mind, one that wouldn't go away unless she tested the waters and shared it with him "Unless I could share with you?"

"Yes," he said automatically and she was dazed with a sudden alleviation that washed over her muscles that were tense before a simple word was spoken. "Of course, Coralie."

"Wonderful, now could you come and help me pack? My little bones are so weary and unable to lift things like a strong boy like you." she pleaded dramatics.

There wasn't an ounce of exaggeration or lies in her speech, though.
♠ ♠ ♠
So what if I updated George when I vowed not to?
I enjoy writing this too much.