Hush, You Should've Known

Hush, You Should've Known

Angela sighed and opened her eyes, looking around at her surroundings. The dance floor held sweaty bodies that were pushed up against on another, moving and swaying along to the beat of the music. The loud bass of the beats shook the walls and vibrated the floor, making it almost impossible to hear anything.

Everyone around her were either drunks or pigs; men who wanted nothing more than a girl's body. She laughed bitterly to herself in disgust; men who wanted nothing more than a girl's body. Men who weren't looking to be in relationships, or find the girl that they can one day call theirs forever.

Upon thinking that, her thoughts diverted to the women in the club. A lot of them were there just to have a good time - celebrate or hang out with their girlfriends. Though, some of them were there looking for someone to fill their needs - the empty void in their life that needed the pleasure. But those kind of girls were usually easy to pick out of the crowd.

How shallow people can be. She laughed inside her head, smirking on the outside. She shook the glass of alcoholic drink in her hand, swiveling the liquid around. She stared down at it in thought, before downing it all down and asking the bartender for another.

A kind young man had offered to buy her drinks earlier that night, telling the bartender to put all the drinks she ordered that night, on his tab. She gladly took up his offer, desperate for the drinks yet wanting to save her money. After offering to buy the stranger drinks, the man left to go on the dance floor and chat with other women.

Soon enough, the girl would take in all the alcohol she wanted and then leave without a single word to the stranger; she wasn't afraid to do so.

She felt her eyes glisten with tears as she sat back, watching a certain couple while she waited for the blood that burned in her face, to pass by. She hated the feeling of blood burning her flesh whenever she drank an alcoholic beverage too quickly, but she hated the emotions she felt watching the couple even more.

The couple danced, slowly swaying to the upbeat music that was playing - they stood out to her the most. The girl wore an angelic smile as her significant other held her around the waist, moving slowly along with her. He would playfully kiss her cheek every so often with force as though they were playing some kind of a game; he was trying to sneak in a kiss or two when she claimed that it tickled her.

Feeling her jaws tighten, Angela looked away before her eyes could react into glaring at the couple.

This is your choice; you chose this, she scolded herself mentally, fiercefully taking the drink from the bartender's hand. You don't care about him anymore. Just forget about it; he doesn't care about you anymore. That's why you left him.

As hard as she tried, her thoughts lingered on back into the past, despite how much she had forbade herself.

Angela sighed heavily to herself, plopping her head down on her closed fist as her elbow rested on the armrest of the couch, staring blankly at the television screen in front of her. Brian Haner Jr. had left her at home alone while he went and toured around the world, playing concert shows and such with his band, Avenged Sevenfold.

She had nothing better to do with her days other than sit around the house or go out - with the exception of going to work three days out of the week since Brian would always provide for her with what she needs, whether he's on tour or not.

The phone rang throughout the house, disturbing the unusual silence that had settled down around the rest of the house besides the living room. She groaned and stood up lazily, not wanting to be bothered with walking across the room to answer a phone call that was most likely that of the telemarketers.

"Hello," she answered monotonously, not bothering with sincerity or politeness.

"Angela?" the voice on the other line addressed her in what sounded like a whisper.

"Jess?" she questioned with more emotions in her voice. Jess was Jimmy's girlfriend, who he decided to take on tour with him. "Why are we whispering?" she whispered back to her and heard Jess clear her throat before going back to a whisper.

"Because, I'm in the closet of the bus and I'm about to tell you something but I don't want Brian to hear."

"Okay..." Angela replied slowly. "What did you want to tell me?" What was so important, that she'd have to hide from everyone else?

"Uhm, well," Jess hesitated in a little girl's voice, uncertain of what to say. "Well... Brian thought that everyone had left the bus, so, he invited this girl that flew out here over, but I was still here, and he uh.." she paused. She was afraid that at any given moment, Angela would start yelling, and crying.

"Go on," Angela urged her on, interested and intrigued by what she had to say.

"I saw them start kissing... and stuff..." Jess paused, letting her sentence linger on before quickly speaking again, "I think they're planning to hangout the rest of the day together."

It took a while for Angela to reply; she was silent, thinking things through. Surprisingly, she felt nothing but pain and indifference at the same time; no tears sprang to her eyes - only curiosity. "Do you know how long this has been going on?"

"M-Maybe," she hesitated. "I think, from what I can hear, maybe two weeks at the most..." Angela nodded to herself and hung up without another word. She knew what she wanted to do know; she didn't want revenge on Brian, nor did she want any drama that involved tears and screaming.

She was gonna go back to what she had intended to do all along - long before she had learned to like him for who he was.

Angela remembered digging through the whole house, looking for any belongings that Brian didn't seem to need anymore to put up on EBay, and any extra cash that he might have left laying around the house. She smirked to herself at the memory, though she felt the pain pulsing through her veins.

"Angela?" Brian called through the house, a few weeks later. He walked through the front door and felt his face twist into shock as he looked around his living room; the furniture had been moved around, items were moved and some replaced. "Did I miss some renovation?" he muttered to himself as he maneuvered himself into the kitchen where he heard the sink water running.

"Angie?" he called out cautiously, puzzled at the appearance of the girl that stood with her back turned to him.

Angela pretended to jump up in shock, claiming that she didn't hear him come in. She looked over her shoulder at him, before turning around fully, grinning her pearly white grin. Brian felt the corners of his mouth slide down more and gaped, the corner of his eyes drooping down. He was in true puzzlement.

"Angie? W-What's going on?" he asked, his voice near an outrage.

"Oh, don't you love what I did to the living room before I leave? It's perfect." She grinned happily, her fingers laced together as she swayed on the heels of her feet. "L--"

"Wait wait-" Brian interrupted her. "Before you leave? What do you mean?"

"Oh." Angela's face fell. "I would've gotten to that sooner if you didn't interrupt me; Brian-" she laid a hand on his shoulder, "I think it'd be nice if we see other people." She retrieved her hand back and stared at him, waiting expectantly with a smile that was barely noticeable.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked her, whispering in disgust at the unfamiliar girl that stood in front of him. "And what is this?" He grabbed her hand and examined the stone that was placed on her middle right finger. The stone crystal shined in the kitchen light and glimmered shades of rainbow all over the walls.

He stepped back and finally decided to examined everything about her. He took in her new designer top, with designer jeans, and even her designer Louise Vuitton shoes. He examined the barely-noticeable smile on her face, which now was near the stage of a smirk. The glow in her eyes even seemed different to him.

All in all, everything clicked in his mind and realization had hit him hard.

"So you're breaking up with me after you've used my money?" he asked in pain, feeling the anger subtly rise inside of him. Angela smiled a fake smile, with no hints of emotions playing in her eyes.

"No," she replied simply. "I'm breaking up with you because I know you cheated on me." His face paled and stilled as he stared at her at loss for words. She smiled, amused, and grabbed her bag; her belongings and suitcases were already packed in her car. On her way out the kitchen, she stopped right next to Brian, standing with her body in close distance with his.

She leaned up and whispered into his ear, "Though, your theory is correct also. That's another reason why I'm ending this." She pulled back, smirking. She examined his face, feeling satisfied. "Aw, don't look so down baby," she cooed into his face, using her hand to pat his cheek. "You should've seen this coming. After all, that's what you get when you ask someone out after just meeting them in a club, right?" She left with one last glance into his eyes and it tore away at her insides.

She walked away from him, going out the door and into her car, where she quickly revved the engine to like and drove down the street quickly. As soon as she was sure that she was out of sight from the house, she allowed her emotions to take over and get the best of her.

Angela looked back down at her drink, feeling guilty as she remembered the pained look in his eyes that still tore her apart until this very day. It was the best way she could think of breaking up with him, but she wished she could've done it without his pain. She looked around her cautiously.

This was the club that Brian normally went to, alone or with the rest of Avenged Sevenfold. She was afraid of seeing him here; afraid of singling him out of the crowd of moving people, and breaking down at the bar.

She smiled as she remembered how this mess all got started anyway. It was probably mostly her fault, but then again, if he hadn't had an affair behind her back when she had finally learned to like him for just him, then she wouldn't have done such things.

She remembered herself sitting at the exact same place that she is right now, alone, just having a conversation with the female bartender. She remembered him, walking over to her with the kindest smile on his face, leaning over the bar table and trying to make small talk with her. She had laughed pathetically at him inside to herself, wishing that he'd just stop, give up, and walk away over to his table of friends.

But throughout the night, the conversations became more interesting and soon enough, he was asking her to be his girlfriend. Not wanting to reject him or hurt his feelings, since he seemed genuinely interested in her, she accepted with a half smile.

She laughed at herself for being so kind when it comes to turning down strangers. Maybe this whole situation wouldn't have happened if she had the nerves to say a simple 'No'.

She got up and headed towards the club's exit, deciding to go through the back door since she parked in parking lot behind the club. It was too hard for her to park upfront and deal with all the people walking on the sidewalk, all the other drunken girls that starts fights, etcetera.

It was dark outside, with the exception of the lights that lined against the walls of the club. A few other people stood out there, talking amongst themselves, filling the night air with giggles and laughter. Angela pulled her black coat closer to her body, hoping to make up for the warmth that her body lost because of her toes being exposed to the chilly air.

"Angie?" a familiar voice called to her right and her head whipped around, feeling her heart rate speed up. Her eyes grew wide with fear - this wasn't how she wanted to end the night. Down to her right, sitting and leaning against the wall was Brian, in his faded jeans and his black jacket, with his usual black cap turned to the side. He sat there with tired eyes, and a cigarette hanging between his two fingers.

He stood up and stumbled over to her, though she knew that he wasn't drunk. She stood still, not knowing what to do; she couldn't move her legs and her breathing became shallow with every step he took towards her, up until where she held her breath when he stood in front of her, with his arms on either side of her forearm.

"Angie," he breathed out before he pulled her into a tight embrace, catching her by surprise. He buried his face against her hair, taking in deep breaths. She wasn't sure of what to do; should she put her arms around him, or push him away? She didn't understand why he was doing this; she was sure that he'd be angry with her and not even want to look at her. "I miss you so much." His voice quivered behind her hair and she stared at the sky, with puzzlement filling her eyes. She softly laid her arms around him, taking in his scent of cigarettes.

"But..." She was unable to figure out what to say.

"I don't care what you did Angie; I know that that wasn't you," he whispered, pulling her closer to him if possible.

"But what if," she began to whisper, still lost, "That was what I had intended to do in the first place?"

"It doesn't matter." He pulled away, looking at her with tears in his eyes. "'Cause I know that you feel the same in the end." He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers'.