Without Wandering Eyes

Without Wandering Eyes

I checked myself over in the mirror one last time, re-analyzing my appearance. Half of my straightened black hair was pulled back together in a claw clip, the other half falling around my shoulders in uneven layers. My bangs were messily swept over my forehead to the left, some falling into my eyes. The light amount of black eyeliner around my eyes blended together on my bottom lids, underneath the heavy layer of my blackest black mascara.

I re-adjusted my long, gray plaid-patterned dress shirt over my black long sleeve undershirt. It flowed in a rhythm around me, covering the top of my black skinny jeans. With a simple white beaded necklace, I finished and perfected the outfit with a pair of black ballet flats. I was confident in conclusion to say:

I couldn't take my eyes off of myself.

I grabbed my mini-purse that contained some money, my keys, my cell phone, and a few other necessities, and hastily ran down the stairs. I heard the sound of the television set turn off - the static noise suddenly ceased to ring in my ears. Moments later, my older brother stood up and fixed his shirt.

"Mom!" he called out to where our mother was in the kitchen. His eyes scanned over me, judging my appearance, before hooking his arm around my neck. "Lookin' cute," he said, squeezing his grasp around me tighter. It wasn't much of a response, but hearing it come from his mouth personally, was a compliment.

I giggled. "Only because I'm completely covered," I referred to the lack of skin visible to the eyes on me, except for my neck and barely any cleavage.

He shrugged, his arm now resting across my shoulders. "What did you expect from me though? 'Go dress in the hottest outfit you have for your first date'?" he quoted what could've been and I mocked him, shrugging.

"Whatever," I muttered. "You're lucky it's dark and somewhat cold outside." He grinned and released me as our mother came out with a camera in her right hand. I groaned and allowed my legs to lose control, causing me to fall back on the leather couch behind me; it made a tiresome squeak. My head dropped down to the arm rest and my arm covered my face.

"Not now," I moaned, refusing to move from my spot as she came over and began to tug at my arm.

"Oh come on. You look so cute right now- and it's my baby's first date!" she spilled over in excitement, quickly detaching my forearm from my countenance.

"Mom, I'm not gonna be going out," I reminded her. "We're just gonna hang out over at his house."

"So? At least the Good's are trusting enough to leave the house to you two- and you got dressed up for it! Now, stand up," she demanded and I sighed, defeated. I got up on my feet and pretended to force out a smile, just for the camera.

I was bubbling over with excitement and nervousness; I couldn't hold in my feelings any longer. Giggles spilled out from my mouth as my hand instinctively came up to muffle them; it was a habit that came up whenever I was nervous or overexcited- a habit that I couldn't break since I was ten.

Not only that, but the urge to laugh at my mother's words were irresistible.

After a whole year of rumoured crushing and furtively flirting, it finally all came together in an act of bravery and confidence. Matt Good and I were scheduled a date for tonight- my very first date in the sixteen years that I've existed on this planet, and my very first attempt at possibly having a boyfriend and a first try at being a girlfriend.

But of course, my mother and his parents were somewhat close, as far as family and work would allow them. If it weren't for their constant bickering and encouragement, this would've never happened. Though most would call it pressuring, I wouldn't because in the end, it was all the same.

It was the same situation and behaviour as other teens' that didn't have parents that encouraged them to date.

"Desserey!" I heard a familiar male voice called my name. My head whipped into the direction that it came from, my eyes scanning through the partially crowded hallway. I closed my locker and stood in front of it, waiting in one spot as Matt stumbled and pushed against the crowd of moving students.

I tried to keep the overly large grin off my face, stuffing my hands into the pocket of my hoodie to prevent from making my fidgeting too obvious.

"Hey," he breathed out when he finally reached me, slightly out of breath. His cool breath brushed past my face, causing my knees and breathing to quiver.

"Hey," I greeted him, trying to keep my voice calm. I tried to minimize my smiling. "What's up?"

"Nothing. So-" he took in a breath and his eyes darted around, as though nervously, "I was wondering... would you like to come over Saturday night?" he hesitated on asking and I nodded my head slowly. I didn't see why he had to hesitate- I've been over to his house. It wasn't often but the point is, that I've came over a few times already.

"As a date..." he continued on and my expression froze in place; I felt a smile slowly reappear on my lips. "For dinner and just hangout if that's okay with you..." He rocked back and forth on his heels, his hands hidden in the pocket of his baggy jeans. I laughed quietly at the adorable behaviour.

"Of course."

He explained later to me that his parents - mostly my mother - suggested that we take his house instead of going out for the typical movie theater and restaurant dinner date; but it didn't matter to me. If anything, I preferred staying in instead of going out. It'd be too nerve-wracking for me to go out in public with my first experience in dating - what if I did something wrong?

Blake, my older brother, pulled up in front of the house and our mother twisted around in her seat, looking at me from where I sat in the backseat. While Matt and I would be at his house all alone, his parents decided to go out to dinner with mother and Blake, as a source to occupy their time for a few hours.

I don't see why they had to make such a big deal out of this.

She narrowed her eyes at me, before speaking sternly, "No sex." I rolled my eyes at her, breathing out exasperatedly. I pulled the door handle and got out, slamming the door shut. I glanced back in through the front window and I could see Blake with a scowl on his face - he hated it when his car doors were slammed; it's fun to irritate him sometimes.

I went up to the front door of the white house and knocked in it twice, standing back to wait. The wooden door opened a crack, before it re-closed a few centimeters and the chain lock was unhooked. The door re-opened fully to reveal Matt with a grinning face; his hair was all neatly in place, with gray jeans, a black band t-shirt, and a black, tuxedo type jacket.

"Hey." He grinned and stepped aside, allowing me to come in. I heard him sigh when a man and woman appeared in the doorway.

"Desserey, how are you?" his mother asked kindly, embracing me in a hug. She was friendly, and nice - the way most mothers should be.

"I'm good; and you?"

"Wonderful," she responded back, still smiling. She opened her mouth and was about to say something, when Matt went over and placed his arms around both his parents; he towered over her.

"You're gonna be late to your dinner," he stated, guiding them over towards the door. "It's impolite to keep you guests waiting," he said in a sweet voice, and I quietly laughed to myself, turning away to look around at the living room. I heard him whisper harshly at them, almost in a whining manner. "Just leave already." A few snickers and giggles were heard before the silent click of the front door was heard.

"So, uhm... hi," he re-greeted me shyly, still standing in the door hallway awkwardly.

"Hi," I enthusiastically said, smiling with my hands clasped together in front of me.

"I made dinner for us." The corner of his mouth pulled up into an attempted grin with his shoulders raised. "Or attempted to."

I giggled. "At least you tried."

"Watch your step," I heard Matt say lowly as he helped me step through his window.

I watched a pale foot of mine, covered in black ballet shoe material, step out from underneath me and onto the dark roof of the Good's residence as my body crouched down low. I took Matt's extended hand as he offered to help me out the rest of the way. I carefully pulled my other leg out from the warmth of his room, careful not to get it caught in the window pane and fall off onto the grass below.

Matt took my hand and led me over to another roof part that was on a higher level than the one we were currently on. He lifted me up, careful to support me on my back, under my legs, and anywhere that wouldn't be of violation, as I pulled myself up. He joined me soon afterwards.

His parents came home half an hour ago, while we were finishing up a comedy we were watching on the couch. I was leaned sideway, resting against the arm rest with an arm clutching onto my stomach, and the other covering my red face; I was gasping for air as they stared at us, amused. Matt was also leaning sideway - more lower near a laying position - and rested against me for support; his face was buried in his hands. A fresh wave of laughter and giggling erupted through us when we revealed our faces and tried to calm down.

We then headed up to his room, to just sit there and... pretty much chat; we got to know each other more and talked about the things we missed out on about each other. Blake and mother headed home after dropping off his parents, allowing me to stay for a little while longer. It was only around nine p.m. or so.

Matt sat down on the roof, letting his legs hang over the edge; he swung them back and forth as he leaned back on his arms to look at the sky. His eyes diverted to me and he patted the space next to him. I hesitantly took little steps towards him, careful not to slip. I don't do that great with heights.

He sat up straight and laid his hand on my arm, helping to steady me as I sat down slowly and pulled my knees up to my chest. He took in a breath. "What a night." He let out a chuckle, trying to make conversation. I chuckled along, trying to ignore the fact that the little hairs on my forearm were standing up underneath my shirt due to the cold air.

"It's been wonderful." I smiled at him. "The dinner was great."

"Really?" His eyes shined bright and his teeth glimmered in the moon as he grinned a crooked grin.

I nodded. "You did really good; and that movie- that was something."

He laughed and shrugged. "Yeah; I don't know why they have that laying around..." He glanced up at me out of the corner of his eyes. "Are you cold?" he questioned me and I was about to reject at the sight of him beginning to shrug off his jacket.

Before I could speak, the warm material was draped around my shoulder. The heat in my cheeks rose as I looked down at the ground below us; I tried not to grin, all of a sudden, seeming at loss for words. His arms stayed draped around my shoulder, his body now merely centimeters apart from mine.

I felt him lay his head against my shoulder, his nose buried in the crook of my neck. I can feel his right hand, the arm around my shoulder, fidget next to me as he took in a shaky breath.

"I really like you Desserey," he softly said, his cool breath brushing against my neck and jaw line. He slightly lifted his head up and placed his index finger under my chin, guiding my face in his direction. "Will you go out with me?" He seemed so calm, but I could feel his rapid heartbeat running through his veins, traveling around my shoulders and down to his hand.

I smiled, letting out a nervous chuckle. I felt my body automatically move towards him as he slowly sat up straight, leaning as well. My eyes discreetly diverted down to his lips before they rushed back up to his eyes. His mouth cracked out into another crooked smile before our eyes flew shut and our lips connected.

I couldn't imagine it getting any better then this; my very first date, my very first kiss, and my first perfect boyfriend. This was a moment that you cannot get going out in the public.