What's My Age Again?

Take Me Out.

“I found you.” Mark whips around, almost dropping the box of CDs and tapes he was carrying.
“What the fuck?!” he hisses at the sight of Tina. She smirks as he continues to walk to the front of the record store.
“So this is where you work.” She says following him.
“Yeah, now piss off.”
“Awe, what time do you get off?”
“You are a crazy stalker bitch!” he hisses so his co-workers won’t hear.
“Ouch.” She giggles, “I just came in here to buy a tape.” She motions towards the walkman on her hip.
“Which one.”
“I was thinking that Green Day band sounds really awesome.” She says casually as he stocks the shelves with Nirvana tapes.
“You want Dookie.” He mumbles.
“No, that’s the name of their album.” He grunts, “Basket Case, When I Come Around, and all that shit right?”
“Yeah that’s the one.” She says sticking her hands in her pockets, “Can you show me where it is?” Mark rolls his eyes and walks down the isle to the “F” and “G” of the punk section.
“There ya go, Green Day.” He grunts as he shoves it in her hand. She walks off and he goes back to putting tapes on the shelves.

“There’s no one at the cash.” She announces from behind him.
“God you’re annoying.” He says as he walks off to the cash register. He takes the CD from her and scans the bar code, “Fifteen-ninety-seven.” She reaches in her pocket and hands Mark a twenty. He gives her the change and then goes back to where he was working.
“Well looky, looky, I still have money for coffee, wanna come?”
“I’m working dammit!” he says in an angry whisper.
“So that’s not a no.” she smirks, “What time do you get off?”
“In half an hour.”
“Great, I’ll be back.” She says as she skips off out the door.

Mark finishes the rest of his shift and as if like clockwork as soon as he tells his boss he’s leaving, Tina appears.
“Howdy do.” She says as she links arms with him and leads him out of the store, “Guess what I did while I was waiting for you.”
“Followed one of the other men you stalk.”
“Nah, you’re the only one.”
“Oh, I’m touched.” He says with a half laugh.
“You should be,” she says casually, “I bought a new bra.”
“Well good for you.” he says clapping his hands as they walk into a nearby coffee shop.
“Wanna see it.”
“That’s not a no.” she snickers as she pulls him towards the bathrooms. She yanks him into the woman’s washroom and lifts up her shirt revealing a black bra with a white skull print, “Do you like it?”
“It’s umm very nice.”
“Yeah, I know,” she giggles as she puts her shirt back into place, “I like skull designs.”
“Good for you.” he says as he heads out of the washroom, Tina follows close behind.

“God, no wonder your girlfriend left you, I just showed you my bra and you act like a jerk.” She says as they stand in line to get their coffees, “You’re not queer are you?”
“No.” he says gruffly, “You’re just not that hot.”
“Ouch.” She says as she pushes in front of him, “For that you can pay for your own coffee.” She turns to the coffee house worker, “Mochachino.”
“Ice cap.” Mark says quickly.

Tina gets her coffee then goes to sit at a table at the back of the restaurant. Mark joins her seconds later and glues his mouth to the straw of his drink.
“I want you to take me out.” Tina says tilting her head.
“To a movie tonight.”
“Sure.” He says sarcastically rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, I wanna see Ace Ventura and I have no one to go with.” She says taking a sip from her coffee.
“Don’t you have friends?”
“Yeah, but they suck.”
“What if I suck?”
“Then I hope you’re good at it.”
“Ha, my friend Travis says that a lot.” Mark says shaking his head laughing, “Why don’t you ask hotness Tom to take you.”
“Oh you’re no fun.” She giggles, “Meet me at Chambly cinema at eight.” She says standing up, grabbing her coffee and walking out of the café.

Mark is quick to follow her.
“Why the hell do you always do that?!” he calls after. She turns around but continues to walk.
“Do what?”
“Just come and go like that.”
“Like what?”
“So spastically.” He exclaims. She giggles as a bus pulls up to the corner.
“See ya Mark.” She calls as she gets on the bus.

A few hours later Mark finds himself standing in front of Chambly cinema with his hands stuck in his pockets. He can hardly believe he actually showed up, but then again he its not like he’s got anything better to do.
“Hey Mark.” Tina says happily walking up to him, “I’m surprised you showed up.”
“That makes two of us.”
“Don’t be so glum,” she says handing him a ticket, “I’m paying your way.”
“Thank you.” he says as she slithers her fingers through his and leads him into the cinema.

“I’m not your boyfriend.” He says as they take their seats in the cinema.
“I never said you were.” She says calmly.
“You’re holding my hand.”
“What’s wrong? Afraid you’ll get cooties?” Tina teases.
“No.” he grunts, “But-whatever.”
“Its not like you have really sweaty palms, you have really nice hands for a guy.”
“Uhh thanks?” he says confused.
“Shut up, the movie’s starting.”

Mark was afraid he’d be spending the whole movie warding off hickies from the Tina creature sitting next to him but low and behold she did actually come to see the movie.
“I love Jim Carry.” She says as the credits start to roll.
“Yeah, he’s some good shit.” Mark agrees and is almost sorry he actually had a good time. They walk out of the cinema.
“It’s still early, what do you want to do?” Tina asks as she crosses her arms.
“Can you get into bars?”
“Can you?” she responds.
“My friend’s band is playing tonight, at the bar down the street, we can go check them out.”
“Cool.” She says grabbing his hand and lacing her fingers through his. He stares at their linked hands for a second and rolls his eyes.

They walk up to the bar and Mark opens the door to get a chair chucked in their general direction.
“Fuck this.” Mark says pulling Tina away from the door and the bar completely.
“Ohhh, a fight.” She giggles.
“Yeah, I rather not go into work tomorrow with a black eye.” Mark says rolling his eyes and walking away, Tina’s hand still in his.

They cross the street to the small park and sit on one of the benches.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you something since we met.” Mark says carelessly.
“What’s with the hair?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, its like three different colours and you’ve got it a short as hell yet you still tie it up.”
“I got a botched hair cut and I’m stuck with a girl mullet, hence I tie it.” She half pouts, “And I like dying my hair too much for my own good.”
“Did you try to cut your hair yourself or something?”
“No, actually when I cut my own hair it usually turns out better than if I get it professionally done.”
“Fascinating.” He says sort of mocking her.
“Gotta catch my bus then.” She says standing up.
“What happened its still early?”
“What happened to you’re a crazy stalker bitch?” she teases as she puts her hands on her hips. Mark stands up so he’s towering a full four inches above her. She lets out a sigh then puts a hand on either of his cheeks and pulls him into a kiss. “Bye now.”

With that she hurries off to the corner bus stop seeing as the bus is about to turn the bend.

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