What's My Age Again?


"Mark hello?" Tom says waving his hand in front of the bassits's face, "Earth to Mark!"
"Wha?" Mark says rubbing his eyes.
"Space out much?"
"You're out of beer." Tom informs.
"To the bar." Mark says in a weak attempt to be humorous.

The two guys head out of the apartment and down the street to the bar/pool hall. With beer in one hand and pool ques in the other, Tom can't help but realize how distant his friend is being.
"Mark, are you okay? Usually at this point in the evening you've beaten me."
"Beaten you?"
"Pool." Tom says rolling his eyes, "What's up?"
"I slept with that Tina chick."
"Holy shit! So she really does mutilate balls."
"No, I found out this morning she's still in highschool."
"Oh crap, ins't that a crime or something to sleep with a minor?"
"Yeah!" Mark exclaims. They fall silent and Tom takes a shot and misses all the pool balls completely. "I just realized something." Mark says worriedly, "If i get reported to the cops then i won't get my teacher's degree."
"Buh-bye future." Tom says sympathetically, "So what are you going to do?"
"I have no idea." he sighs as he takes his shot.
"Dude, you got the eight ball in." Tom says in disbelief. It takes Mark a moment to register what he'd done.
"Fuck, that can't be a good sign."

The guys go their seperate ways, leaving Mark to walk home alone. As he approaches his apartment building he sees Tina sitting on the steps.
"You're gonna get mugged." he says standing in front of her.
"Good thing i have nothing of value."
"Raped then," Mark says bitterly, "Let me guess, you don't mind because you're into that."
"You're just being a downright ass hole." Tina pouts.
"And you're a pathelogical liar." he says unlocking the door.
"Can I come in?"
"Hell no!" He exclaims.
"Please, I just want to talk." Mark rolls his eyes and allows her to follow him up to his apartment.

"You're in high schoool," He says blankly, "You told me you were in college."
"No, you assumed i was in college."
"Well you didn't bother to correct me!" he exclaims, "Not to mention you led me to think you were old enough to get into bars!"
"I don't see what the big deal is."
"You're a minor! If your parents find out and report me i can get arrested and i won't be able to get my teacher's degree!"
"I'm not a - wait, teacher's degree?" she says confused, "You're in a band and you want to be a teacher?"
"July, August vacation." he says rolling his eyes.
"Anyway, I'm not a minor, I'm eighteen."
"Yeah, like that isn't another lie."
"Either way, its not like my parents will find out."
"Are they dead?"
"No." she says furrowing her eyebrows.
"Then there's still a chance of them finding out!"
"Trust me, that's highly unlikely."
"I'm not going to continue fucking you."
"Who said I even wanted to." she replies in a pissy tone.
"You are unbelievable!" Mark exclaims, "I'm going to bed, let yourself out."

Tina stands in between Mark and the door awkwardly.
"Can I crash here?"
"That's a laugh."
"You said yourself I could get raped of mugged out there at this time of night."
"Fine." he says heading to his room, Tina starts to follow, "On the couch."
"Okay." she says turning around quietly.