What's My Age Again?


Mark looks across the stage in digust at the sound coming from Tom's guitar. He looks back at Travis who's also pissed off. Mark glances over the audience who are starting to get annoyed. Suddenly Tom falls to his knees and up-chucks off the side of the stage. Mark goes back to the microphone.
"Sorry everyone, we're gonna cut out early, so heres teh next band, Tragic Rejection." he says quickly then he and Travis clear their stuff from teh stage as fast as humanly possible as Tom lays on the ground in agony.

"What about Tom?" Travis asks when they get everything into the van.
"He wants to get piss drunk before a gig then he can find his own way home."
"Alright." Travis says quietly as they climb in.

Travis drops Mark off in front of his apartment. Like the night before Tina is sitting on the steps.
"I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now." he grunts as he unlocks the door, "I had a crap night."
"I know, I was at the gig." she says following him inside.
"Fuck Tom, he's so fucking irresponsible."

Tina just nods as she follows him up the stairs.
"They're not going to let us play tere again!" they get into the apartment and Tina sits down on the couch, "Its just, its just- argh!" He runs his hands through his hair and lets out an exasperated sigh before stomping into his room.

Tina sits alone on the sofa for a moment then Mark storms back into the room.
"What are you doing here?"
"I need a place to crash."
"Again? Don't you ave your own home to go to?"
"Yeah, but," she sighs, "Can't i just stay here?"
"Yeah, fine." he mumbles, he trips over his own foot as he heads back into his room, "Good night."
"G'night." she calls back.

Mark paces back and forth in his room obsessing over what Tom had done. He clenched his fist tight and punched the wall.
"Argh!" he screams out as his knuckles burn red with small traces of blood. "Great, the one part of the wall with a support beam!"

As infuriated as he is, he grows tired and his legs start to become sore and he gives way onto his bed. He tosses and turns for what seems like hours until the door creaks open. Tina steps into the room and slides into the bed.
"No Tina," he grumbles as he rolls away from her, "Go back to the couch." She ignores him and wraps her arms around him. As much as she annoyed him and drove him crazy he's glad she's there with him.

Mark wakes up the next morning to find Tina sitting at teh end of the bed tyring her hair. He coughs and stutters a bit before she turns around to face him.
"Can you hang out with me today?" he asks finally, "I mean I don't want to be alone and well-"
"I can't ." she says getting up.
"Please, i really don't want to e left alone today."
"I can't."
"So fucking typical!" He explodes, "You can come and go and use me as you please but when I need someone to hang out with you just disappear!"
"Well," she says calmly, "Do you have any pads or would you rather me ruin everything I sit on?"
"What?" Mark says confused, "Wait, you can't stay because you have your period?"
"Yeah, and I work this afternoon too."
"So go home and come back." Mark pleads.
"By the time I do that I'll have to leave again for work."
"I'll go with you then to your place."
"Uhh no," she says quickly, "I don't have to go home, I'll just buy some at the store down the street." she forces a smile onto her face, "I'll be back in a few."
"No, no, I'm not falling for any of your tricks, I'll come with you."
"Fine," she shrugs, "But you're going to have to learn to trust me."