What's My Age Again?


"Oh fuck." Mark mutters under his breath as he rubs his eyes. The phone is ringing and he wants nothing move than to go back to sleep. He rolls off his bed onto the floor then staggers to stand up and walk to the kitchen. He picks up the phone and puts it to his ear.

"Hello?" he groans.
"Hi Mark!"
"Tina?" he questions, "How did you get my number?"
"I have my ways," she gibbers, "Anyway, I need you to pick me up."
"Pick you up? Where?!" he exclaims, "Its nine-thirty in the fucking morning!"
"Well duh," she replies rolling her eyes, "I'm at school."
"Fuck no."
"C'mon, I'm faking sick and the only way they'll let me leave is if someone picks me up."
"I don't have a car?"
"Borrow, Travis's."
"Forget it, just go to class like everyone else."
"I'll tell my parents."
"Tell them what?" That you've skipping school?"
"That this twenty-three year old took advantage of me."
"I knew you weren't eighteen!" Mark exclaims.
"Pick me up."
"You can't just blackmail me!"
"Oh c'mon, we'll have fun."
"Fun my ass, you're blackmailing me!"
"No I'm not, do you think i'd actually tell my parents about my sex life?"
"I don't know, you're pretty out of whack!"
"PLase pick me up."
"Argh, fine!" he says slamming down the phone.

Thirty minutes later her pulls up in front of his old high school and Tina runs out to the van.
"What took you so long?"
"You're welcome," he says confused at her reaction.
"Yeah, thanks. But that secretary hates me."
"No kidding." he says as he start to drive off. "So what's this fun you spoke of?"
"I didn't really have anything planned."
"We can go back to Travis's if you want."
"Wow, okay then," Mark says rolling his eyes, "Do you wanna bum around downtown then?"
"Sounds great."

Downtown near the boardwalk the two of them start to walk along the small shops and artisan booths.
"You owe me one," Mark yawns as she casually looks over a display of sea shell jewlery, "I was sleeping."
"Fine, we'll have sex when we get back to your place."
"You can't use sex as . . .as .. .barter!"
"Oh, I beg to differ." she says grinning evilly, "Lucky for you, I'm a big spender."
"You're insane." Mark says rolling his eyes.

"Oh fuck!" Tina exclaims out of no where.
"What?" Mark asks as he gets pulled into the nearby coffee house.
"Shut-up." she says crouching down behind a table.
"Fuck that." he says getting up.
"No!" she whispers, tugging on his arm, "Okay, never mind."

Mark and Tina stand up and leave the coffee house.
"What the hell was that all about?"
"Oh nothing." she says disinterested in the conversation.
"I should have you committed." she merely giggles.
"I just saw my ex-boyfriend." she says nervously, "And I may have egged his house after we broke up." Mark laughs a little then stops abruptly
"Why exactly?"
"Oh don't worry, I only vandalise the property of cheating ex-boyfriends. So do'nt cheat on me." she shrugs.
"I've had a girlfriend cheat on me," Mark smiles evilly, "Back in high school, so I started a rumour that she had warts."
"Sweet." Time says with a big eyes.
"Yeah, her whole click of friends were pissed at me."
"I bet."

"Tina, just out of curiosity, where do you live?" he asks later that day.
"Suburbs, you know, around the school," she says hurriedly.
"Why don't we ever hang around your place, I mean why always my shit apartment?"
"I like it there." she playfully pouts, "And anyways, my parents would be home."
"I should be heading to work now." she says looking at her watch, "see you later Mark."
"Wait, wait wait. Gimme your number." he calls after her.
"Sorry!" she calls from down the block, "I can't be late!"

Mark heads to Travis's house to return the van and decides to laze about in his garage.
"So, where's that chick?" Travis asks seeing as Mark is alone.
"She had to go to work." Mark yawns.
"So do Tom and I get to meet her anytime soon. Because she sounds like a fucking lunatic, she better at least be a knock-out."
"Sorry man, she's not much of a knock out, unless you decided to change the definition of knock out to gutter punk."
"Gutter punk?" he snorts with laughter, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Like, messed up dyed hair and weird clothes and yeah."

"Christina! Where the hell have you been!" Travis's father yells from inside the house.
"Hey, what do you know, my cousin's home." Travis says with a slight laugh.
"Why's that so funny?" Mark asks.
"Because, she like disappears for like two days straight and stuff."
"Sounds kinda skanky."
"Yeah, god knows how many guys she's done since she got here."