Mission: Chaos Hearts.

Chapter 2.

After what seemed like hours of pointless paperwork, it was finally lunchtime. Lunch has always been my favorite time, because it’s the only time I see Nate the entire day. As I’ve said, he’s a year ahead of me. The food was mediocre, it was loud and the tables were sticky, but Nate made it all better.

I entered the lunchroom to see Nate at the front of the lunch line. I smirked and walked over to him. He smiled when he saw me, and he was more than willing to let me cut him in line.

“Hey,” he greeted, “How’s your day going?” I shrugged.

“The usual. Totally mind-numbing.” He chuckled. His fingers laced with mine.

“Totally the same,” he told me. “I’m just glad to see you.” He kissed me quickly. Then, he pulled me into a hug. “You have no idea how much I wish we were in the grade. You’d make my entire day so much freaking better,” he whispered in my ear. He then proceeded to kiss my ear, and then my cheek.

“Nate, face it, life sucks,” I mumbled, detangling myself from him. I ordered my lunch, a salad, I went down the line, grabbing a vitamin water. I paid at the end, and waited for Nate.

“You know what sucks?”

“What Nate?” I sighed, following him to a table in the back corner of the room. He pointed to the...interesting.....looking salad.

“Being a vegan in this place,” he grumbled. I nodded in agreement, opening my container. I took the plastic covered fork from the inside and unwrapped it. I began to eat the salad, and I desperately wished it was fresher.

“Well, well, well. Lookie here boys. It’s Vine and Nate.” I sighed and closed my eyes, recognizing the voice as Ronald’s. Ronald is the linebacker of the football team.

“My name is IVY,” I stated. He chuckled.

“Well, Ivy, I have a little present for you,” he told me. I opened my eyes just to see Nate’s eyes go wide, and then, a cold, sticky substance got poured down my head, and it trailed down my face. Slushie. They poured a slushie on me.

Nate stood up, and went over to Ronald. I turned around to see Nate cocked his arm back, and punch Ronald. It didn’t seem to affect him that much, and in a spilt second, Nate was head-first in the trash can. Then, the three football players left. I sighed and stood up. I tipped the can over with caution, and Nate scrambled out.

“Those stupid bastards,” Nate hissed. I sighed and took our school stuff and pulled him out of the lunchroom. We walked all the way to that deserted, unused staircase on the far end of the floor. I sat Nate down and I sat a step or two above him and I began to pick the pieces of spaghetti from his black hair.

He mumbled curse after curse about them, but that wasn’t going to make a difference. He wiped the sauce from his face, and then he turned back to look at me. He sighed in anger and distain. He reached up to my face and wiped the slushie from the corner of my eye.

“I’m sorry.”

“Nate, you don’t have to be,” I pointed out. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He stood up and looked at me.

“I do! I’m supposed to be able to protect you from them! How can I do that when I can’t even protect myself?” I giggled a little. He stared at me.

“How the hell was that funny?” he hissed. I shook my head, and got my laughter under control.

“It’s not Nate. It’s just your so set on protecting me, you forget how much bigger they are. You can’t blame yourself,” I told him. He sighed and nodded slowly.

“Nate, lets just go to our next classes,” I decided as the bell rang. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

“I’ll see you in group,” he told me. I nodded.

“I might be a little late though. I wanna get the slushie out of my hair.”