Let's Talk And Talk All Day

(I know, again with the same name. It's just easy since it's my name. That way I know I won't mix up different names in different stories. You can imagine it's whatever name you'd like.)

Katt is a professional photographer. Her speciality is concert work. She's been hired by the Jonas Brothers' manager to go on their tour and photograph them live. They're not exactly her type of music, but she respects all music and actually happens to be a fan. Not an obsessed fan, but she knows some of their music and likes it.

Katt is not exactly ordinary. Not the type of person you'd expect to see working for the Jonas Brothers. She wears band tees and Converses daily, has tattoos and piercings, and isn't afraid to throw down if the occasion calls for it.

She has very dark brown hair. It's so dark most people assume it's black. There are random blue and blonde streaks in it. Its a few inches below her shoulders.

She has four piercings in each ear lobe, an industrial on the left side and the right cartilage pierced twice. She also has a tongue ring and lip ring. She has a large tattoo of a koi fish on her right thigh, and two Mexican sugar skulls on her left calf. A large deathbat, similar to the one on Zacky Vengeance's chest, adorns her left shoulder blade. One black and green sparrow decorates the skin to the right and left of her collar bone. Her nails are always painted random colors and she's never caught without her black rubber bracelets.

She can be loud and obnoxious at times, but other times she's very shy and reserved.

In essence, she's nothing that Kevin Jonas thought he would ever be attracted to. But when he first saw her walking around backstage, looking like a lost puppy, something drew him to her dark honey colored eyes. Her pale skin was nothing like he was used to seeing and her dark hair was not exactly common at a Jonas Brothers concert. She was such a nice sight compared to the usual blonde haired, blue eyed girls in mini skirts.

Suddenly, Kevin felt himself wanting to change to be appealing to her. Her reaction was nothing like he expected.
  1. I'm lost.
    Not totally sure yet, but I'm thinking a lot of the first chapters will have Kevin's point of view in them.
  2. Pretty. Odd.
  3. Mocha.
  4. Orange.
  5. Surprise!
  6. Pancakes.
    Some chapter titles may be random and have no relevance to the chapter whatsoever.
  7. Old Greg.
  8. Tantric.
  9. Huh?
  10. Dude. Not cool.
  11. Color Safe Bleach.
  12. Awkward.
  13. Happy Birthday.
    I know it's a little late, but I need to put it in.
  14. Bugles.
  15. Oh great.
  16. Ashamed.
  17. Vote. Vote. Vote.
  18. No way.
  19. Getting Harder.
  20. It's getting better... Or not.
  21. Wait, what?!
  22. Swissumbuh!
  23. The Reveal.