Hate to Love

Chapter 24

(Van's POV)

I was shocked, to say the least. Bam...kissed me? Don't get me wrong, it was amazing...better than that even, but I was so stunned, I couldn't even respond when he told me he had fallen for me. I couldn't even begin to understand how. I was just about to tell him so when he just fled. That hurt...

Bam wasn't in the living room when I walked in, nor was he in the Pirate Bar. I doubt he would go outside, so...his room, maybe? I silently worked my way up the stairs, hoping to find him before he can misunderstand my silence. I knocked on the door, not wishing to intrude.


"Go away!" I winced at his voice. He sounded...mean. Ignoring the order, I opened the door and walked inside. "I thought I told you to go away!" His icy eyes were red, as if...no. Bam wouldn't cry over something so small...would he?

"Bam, please hear me out!" He turned his head away from me, and I could feel my eyes watering. "You won't even hear what I have to say? After that?" Inching closer, I saw his eyes shift toward me. Good, he's listening. "Bam...I was...That was..." I inhaled deeply, trying to gather my words.

"Go ahead and say it." I tilted my head, sad at how bitter he sounded.

"I...can't. Not really..." Now I had his curiosity as he faced me fully.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Gaining an idea, I smiled and leaned toward him. His beautiful blue eyes widened as my lips touched his lightly. Backing away slowly, I fidgeted with the blanket on his bed.

"It's impossible to word how amazing it was in the kitchen. I'm sorry my lack of words hurt you, Bambi." His smile was so wide, I thought his face would split in half, literally. My own smile probably matched his. Without warning, he yanked me to him. Together, we fell onto the bed completely.

"Van..Oh Van! I love you so much! I don't care how stupid this may sound, but you have made me the abso-fucking-lutely happiest man on earth!" His kisses trailed up my neck, over my jawbone, and onto my lips. I smiled against his skin, taking in the sweet-spicy scent that was Bam Margera.

"Bam...I...I love you too." Saying it, feeling the happiness in me explode, was pure magic. I sighed happily against him, feeling safe and warm in his arms.

"Van...Will you be mine?" I nodded, turning my head to plant a kiss on his nose. Smiling, he returned my kiss with his own, making me giggle. I entwined my fingers with his hand, wanting to touch as much of him as I could, and not in the sexual way. As my eyes drifted closed, I relaxed into his arms, his nose nuzzling my neck and ear.


I opened my eyes, already smiling. Blue washed over me, pulling me into the depths of Bam's eyes. I knew he was smiling as I was mesmerized by his stare. Oh the things he can do to my heart just by gazing at me. Snuggling closer, I savored the warmth our bodies radiated. A meow made me look down.

"Awww!" Bam's laugh echoed around us in the cold air of the house, the power still out. All three of the cats had taken the opportunity to curl up between Bam and I during the night, probably wanting to get warm as well.

"Mmmm...You look amazing in the morning." I smiled at him, tempted to kiss him.

"Just in the morning? You look good all the time." His laugh rang out once more.

"Yes, well you look stunning all the time." I rolled my eyes at him. Hearing Bam being sweet and romantic was odd, but cute.

"I feel like I'm dreaming. Please, don't be a dream!" In response, Bam lifted my right hand to his cheek, rubbing against it like a cat. His scruff rubbed roughly against my palm, tickling me. "Ok...So you're definitely real." Leaning in, I lightly kissed his nose. Before it could continue, I heard a bang from downstairs, followed by loud cursing.

"Ow! Fucking hell!" Bam and I looked at each other before running downstairs. Dunn flapped his left hand in the air, a pan on the floor by his feet. I guess he burned himself with it or something.

"What the hell did you do, Dunn?" Bam's lips twitched as he tried to hold back laughter.

"I was trying to make something to eat, but the pan handle was hot when I grabbed it. Fucking hurt!" I didn't need to look at Bam to know he was about to crack up. In fact, I felt my own laughter bubbling to the surface.

"You looked like a lopsided bird, hopping around and flapping your hand!" Doubling over, Bam clutched the railing of the stairs to keep from falling over. I hid my smile with my hand, walking over to April to help make real breakfast. I'm surprised no one noticed us missing.

"So, what happened with you and Bam?" I cursed internally at April's intuition. As I floundered, she smiled softly and pressed her fingers to her lips in the sign to keep quiet. "Don't worry, I didn't mention it to anyone else except Phil, and neither of us told the guys. Everyone thought you were always with us." Sighing in relief, I hugged her.

"Thanks April! And um...well...Apparently, Bam loves me..." I fiddled with the edge of my shirt, embarrassed to be telling his mother about our feelings.

"Just as I thought. It was quite obvious from a mother's perspective. And...How do you feel? About him, I mean." I smiled like a lovesick schoolgirl.

"Absolutely head-over-heels madly truly deeply in love with him. I'm in shock right now that he feels even remotely the same." She nodded with a knowing smile.

"I had the feeling he liked you as soon as he carried you through the door oh-so-long ago. I've never seen him so concerned about someone's well-being like he is with you. If it isn't too much to ask, when did you start falling for him?" My smile was aimed at my lap as my cheeks flushed bright red.

"Well...Sorta when we fell down the stairs together, but mostly after my first nightmare. I found so much comfort in him...It was shocking really." I sighed, sending a glance in Bam's direction. I jumped slightly to see his icy blue eyes already watching me. His smile was more tame now, but his eyes burned with passion. I wish he'd come over here right now, but none of the guys know yet.

Turning to April, I mentioned heading to the bathroom real quick. She gave me another knowing look, but smiled and nodded in agreement. Looking at Bam again, I gave him a slight nod towards the bathroom near the kitchen and hoped he got the hint. As I left the living room, his shuffling of feet behind me let me know he did catch the hint.

As soon as we shut the door, our mouths collided in a fiery passion. I moaned lightly, having missed his careful touch. Now it was rough and pleading, sending a ball of heat to the bottom of my stomach. Bam lifted me onto the counter, nipping me lightly on the collarbone. At my sharp intake of air, he smirked and growled into my neck.

"Miss me much?" I laughed quietly, running my fingers through his soft hair.

"You have no idea. Mmm...April knows, as well as Phil." Bam sighed against me.

"I figured she would. Oh well. I suppose we should tell the boys."

"Isn't..." I sucked in a moan as Bam pressed against me. I felt his smirk against my neck and growled lowly at him. To that, he chuckled mildly. "Isn't that a little soon or something? It's kinda outta the blue." Bam shook his head.

"Not really. I think they had an idea of how I felt about you after I attacked that guy." I shivered at the memory, making Bam tighten his hold on me. From out in the living room, I heard Dico set up a loud call for Bam to come help with getting out the door and to the pool. Why, I have no idea, but Bam groaned against my neck. "Why can't I just have you to myself all day?"

"Because..." I laughed and kissed his nose. "Life is never fair, and rarely kind." I hopped down from the counter, rubbing my nose under his scratchy chin and inhaling his wonderful scent. "I love you, Bambi! Go ahead and help Dico. Tomorrow's Christmas you know..." Bam smiled, kissing my forehead.

"I know. For once, I have everything already." I grinned, feeling very curious.

"Really? Where at?" He 'tsk'ed me, shaking his head.

"Uh-uh...For me to know only! I'll see you soon, ok?" I nodded, opening the bathroom door and heading out behind the man I've come to love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes! score! They're finally together! So glad to have written that chappie finally! Ugh, I'm panicking about school. Stupid SAT that I don't think I'm ready for, graduating this year from HS and terrified of heading to college...Life is so freaking scary for me. I suppose that's why I love writing so much. I can just escape and fall into a whole different world where time doesn't fly by before you know it.