Prayer Of The Fallen

Chapter One

Jazlynn layed in her bed, her raven hair scattered lazily across her face. She slept soundlessly, beads of sweat running from her face as the dreams engulfed her in her own private Hell. She began to toss and turn as her dreams became more violent. She shot up and a bloodcurtling scream errupted from her lips, she took a moment to look around and realize she was alone, as always. She layed back down knowing that sleep was impossible, she sifted through her dream carefully, looking over every detail, every elaborate detail that led to her demis so very often in her "dreams." She shook her head and pushed the heavy down comforter off of her. She stalked into her bathroom of her one bedroom condo.
'A shower should calm me,' She thought to herself. She slid the silk robe off easily along with her matching silk nightgown, a present from a former boyfriend at the time, then turned the water on. It rumbled, then sputtered as the water poured out, she lazily threw back the curtain. Jazlynn froze at the sight, then another piercing scream ripped from her throat as she fell to floor, unconciousness swallowed her once more.
Jazlynn woke up, water gently splashing her face. She looked around, knowing she was alone, she froze and stared at the linoleum tiling on her shower. 'I'm coming for you,' its was written in... blood. Jazlynn began to feel her head spin again as her stomach knotted. She forced herself from the ground, and stood shakily. She quickly cleaned the blood off, showered and got out all under ten minutes. She glanced at her clock and cursed under her breath. She was going to be late for work, again. She quickly slid her Prada suit on and grabbed her Gucci handbag. She threw on some blush and a little eyeliner then was out the door.
The sound of her Jimmy Choo's echoing of the street, click click click. She called for a Taxi. "Where to?" A burly man asked, "Ninth and Sheridan, please." She mumbled applying some lip gloss. 'New York, what a... wonderful city' Jazlynn thought cynically to herself. Jazlynn was an associate the, Wells & Warner Crimonology Department. She was the lead detective in homocide. But she usually sat behind her desk on the phone, most cases were open and close because of how sloppy the killers are. The driver stopped in front of her building, she pulled out two twenty dollar bills and handed them to the man, "Keep the change,"
She said as she stepped out, fixing her Vendi sunglasses firmly over her eyes. She strode into the large thirty story building, her office was "conviently" located at the top of the building.
As soon as she stepped into the building, she was mobbed by dozens of new starters, "Miss. Anetkos!" A small, skinny man cried out waving his hands in the air. Jazlynn pushed herself away from the others and made a bee line towards the man. "Hello, I'm Jazlynn Anetkos, head detective of Homocide, how may I help you?" Jazlynn said in her most official voice, the boy just stared at her.
Jazlynn shifted her weight and cleared her throat as she began to feel uncomfortable. The boy shook his head and looked at her, "My name is Alex Rikoya, I'm your new assistant." He said in a shaky voice. I rasied my eyebrow and asked,
"What happened to Arrinye?"
"Oh, she just got promoted." He responded.
"Is she still in homocide?"
"Yes, she's uhm... your partner now."
Jazlynn smiled, "So my twin finally decided to join me, hmm?"
Jazlynn raced to the elevator, and nearly collided with another detective, she tried to move but tripped over her own feet. He was handsome, tall, good structure, obviously new because Jazlynn never seen him before. "Oh, I'm so sorry," Jazlynn said blushing as he caught her before she impacted with the floor. "No, problem Miss. Anetkos," He replied smiling. Jazlynn felt a surge of shock run through her.
"Y-you know my name?"
"Well, I am your boss, I suppose I should."
"My what?" Jazlynn asked gawking.
"Boss, I'm new here. I'm Detective Collins, I run Suicide."
"How does that make you my boss?" She asked frustrated.
"Oh, well just ask Pherral to explain I'm a little busy at the moment,"
"Well then see you again, Detective Collins,"
"Call me David," He replied walking away.
Jazlynn entered the elevator dumbfounded, 'David, I've seen him before,' She thought to herself. Then it hit her, she flashed back to one of her nightmares, 'He was the one who saved me,' Jazlynn thought to herself. She exited the elevator shaking, "What's wrong?" Arrinye asked as she walked up to hug Jazlynn, "Nothing, just cold in here," Jazlynn lied quickly. "Really? I think it's kind of hot actually." Her sister replied quizically, "That's because you're a polar bear, Arrin." Jazlynn laughed.
Arrin hit her sister on the arm, Jazylnn quickly walked to her office as her sister was talking to an assisstant, ' Why are there so many new assisstants?' Jazlynn thought to herself. As soon as Jazlynn entered her office and her head began to spin, "What the...' Jazlynn mumbled before the darkness engulfed her, "Jazlynn!" She heard a man yell. Jazlynn quickly sat up and a look of horror crossed her face.
'My nightmare...' she thought to herself, she looked over the dark forest, the twisted tree branches, the glow of the dark moon piercing througth the heavy shrubs and leaves, the damp floor she sat on in her torn silk gown as the branches clung to her and ripped from previous dreams, she shuddered at the thought of knowing this place so well.
"Yes, your memory seems to favor this one over the others," a man's voiced echoed from the darkness. She froze, then a piercing laughter rung through the trees chocking her, making her suffocate on the thin air. She quickly stood,
"W-who's there," she asked shakily. Then the men casually stepped out from the dark,
Jazlynn whispered as his face glowed off the moon's beam.
"Yeah, sorry to barge in, but I think you'd like some help right about now," he replied smiling as another cold laughter rung through the forest causing Jazlynn to flinch as she felt the coldness creep into her veins, she knew running was useless but she turned on her heel and began to run, David grabbed her arm,
"Don't, you won't want to do that Miss Anetkos..." David said in a a dangerous voice.
Jazlynn gave the man a wild look of annoyance, "Please! He'll get me if you don't let me run," Jazlynn whispered struggling. "No, he'll only chase if you run, it's common, he's a predator. Don't run, fight, concure your fears. Fight, Jazlynn," he answered her softly. Jazlynn was quiet for awhile, battling herself in a mental conversation. After afew minutes, she looked at David and said, "Fight, but how?"