Prayer Of The Fallen

Chapter Two

A grin cracked across David's face slowly, in the distance I could hear the man closing the distance. I shuddered as the wind picked up from his imminent presence.
"We stand and fight." He replied cooly, ignoring the wind and the laughter that rung out, making a cold chill run up my spine.
"We? Fight? Are you crazy?!" I gasped.
He let out a low chuckle, "This thing will only go away if you fight, trust me I know." I gave him an incredulous look,
"Yes, I suppose a suicide detective would know," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I could hear the man's footsteps now, the crunching of the hollow twigs beneath his feet. I shuddered,
"How in the hell do you suggest we fight him? I don't think he's human."
David only smiled again, I grimmaced at his non-chalance to the situation.
"I know how, just follow my instructions and you'll be fine, I promise," he replied cooly. Again, I grimmaced.
He only laughed,
"You know, if you keep making that face it just might get stuck that way, Jazlynn."
I snorted, "Please, my father used to tell me that! And why should I even try? You're obviously not taking this very seriously either Mr. Collins,"
I sighed deeply, thinking of another alternative.
"Trust me, this is the only way." David said quietly, I whirled around and gave him a dirty look,
"I would prefer to think to myself," I said darkly. He raised his hands in surrender,
"Whoa, just trying to help you out."
I laughed, "If you want 'to help me out' then wake me up!"
David let out a heavy sigh,
"Fine have it your way."
Once again I felt swallowed into an absolute nothingness, then reality slammed back into me hard, leaving me breathless. . .

Jazlynn shot up and grabbed her chest. "Are you alright Ms. Anetkos?" It was Daniel, her new assistant. She looked around and found she was in the infirmary. "How did I get here?" She asked rubbing her chest. He was silent for a moment,
"Mr. Collins brought you in, he just left about 5 minutes ago, he looked mad, I'm not sure why though." Jazlynn laughed,
" I do."
Jazlynn pushed away the transparent sheet and slipped her high heels back on. "Where's my sister?" She asked absent mindedly.
"In her office, why?" Jazlynn shrugged, "Just wondering, I guess," she quickly walked away and gave Daniel a quick goodbye, she entered the elevator silently, lost in her own thoughts. She looked around the elevator only to notice she was alone, her stomach dropped and she felt panicked. She took a deep breath and told herself to calm down. Suddenly the elevator came to an abrupt stop and the overhead light shut off. Jazlynn bit back the urge to scream, they've been having electrical problems for awhile, the elevator should kick back in recently. . . should.
Jazlynn pushed away the morbid thoughts, the elevator let out a low groaning sound then began to move again, the overhead light flicked back on with a chink sound.
She stared at the ground, as David swept across her thoughts. Jazlynn quickly pushed his face out of her mind, she held nothing but disdain for him and his attitude. The elevator doors swung open, and she was cautious to go back into her office. She looked around to find the office empty, a sinister laugh cracked through the silence like a whip. Jazlynn jumped, startled, and then swung around only to find Daniel leaning against her desk casually.
"D-daniel, what are you doing here after hours?" She asked alittle shaky. He only smirked,
"That isn't important, but I do know what is," he replied pushing himself off the desk and walking toward Jazlynn. She automatically stepped back and her back collided into the wall. Jazlynn flinched as Daniel slammed his hand right by her face, "Get away from me," Jazlynn whispered, staring at the ground. He grabbed her chin and roughly pulled her to eye level,
"Or what, Jazlynn?"
Jazlynn glared,"It's Miss Anetkos to you," she snapped. Daniel leaned closer, his breath running down her neck, she felt sick. "I'll call you whatever I want, got it?" He said grabbing the back of her neck with his free hand. Jazlynn sucked in a sharp gasp and replyed, "Got it," trying to break eye contact. His gaze tore into hers, she could feel it like a sharp razor slashing into her. She closed hers eyes, but that only made her even more aware of how close he actually was to her. She felt his breath on her throat, she began to shake as his hand slid down from her throat to her waist.
"Do not touch me," She choked out, Jazlynn heard him let out a low laugh.
"Why, you are gonna hurt my feelings, would you prefer if I was Mr.Collins?"
Jazlynn glared at him, "You know nothing about me, I have nothing but comtemp for Mr.Collins, thank you."
Daniel opened his mouth about to make a comment, but he was pushed off and slammed into the wall. Jazlynn gasped when she saw David holding him there. She quickly stood and straightened out her clothes, she heard David let out a low growl, then almost inaudibly he whispered,
"If you ever get near her again I will personally break every bone in your body."
Then he non-chalantly dropped Daniel, and grabbed Jazlynn's arm and pulled her into the elevator. Jazlynn kept her gaze on the ground,
"Thank you," she whispered