Prayer Of The Fallen

Chapter Three

That Night. . .
Jazlynn was more confused than ever as she lay in bed staring at her stucco white ceiling. She shook her head and tried to stop thinking about David had saved her, even though she was almost certain he heard her insult him. 'What an odd man. . .' She thought to herself, Jazlynn was almost reluctant to even fall asleep. She had no idea what her mind held for her, or whoever was doing this to her. 'Daniel. ..' His name flitted across her mind like a feather tickling at her thoughts gently. Maybe he really was to blame for all this.
She closed her eyes momentarily, then snapped them open again. She would not allow herself to fall asleep, but the darkness seemed to swallor her more and more as the seconds ticked away. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them she was on the forest floor again, panic began to trickle into her veins slowly. Her breathing became uneasy, and she began to feel her claustrophobia kicking in. Then the dreaded moment, she heard that man's low rumbling laughter errupt from the forest's leaves and branches. She quickly jumped to her feet, Jazlynn froze, she saw a small white light out of the corner of her eye. She quickly whirled around and faced the light, she gasped at what she saw, it was no man. . . but it was a woman. Cloaked all in white clothes, the woman walked towards her and Jazlynn froze. The woman opened her mouth, and Jazlynn was surrounded by what sounded like a song. Jazlynn listened to the woman as she began to sing;

The broken and the soulless
To the hurt and the lost .
Standing out and blending in,
At almost any cost.
From the standing to fallen,
A prayer just for us.
Looking in and crying out,
Where fitting in isn't a must.
Now we must pick up the pieces,
By no rules we shall abide.
Just because we're different,
We shouldn't have to hide.
So stand up and shout,
Show that we are strong!
And if anyone says different,
They couldn't be more wrong.
It's easy just to fall,
But its wrong to stay down.
So get up onto your feet,
And take a good look around.
Jazlynn gasped, she has heard that song before, she knew it. She was trying to think of where she could've heard it. Jazlynn didn't notice how close the woman had gotten, her face was vieled with the white cloths. The woman reaches out and began to shake Jazlynn, suddenly Jazlynn was launched back into her reality, she sat up quickly her heavy down throw srill arounf her waist, she got up and quickly took a shower for another day's work.
Until her cell phone rang. . .