Behind those red eyes:What the hell am I?

Chapter One

I was running through the dark forest looking for any escape, the branches of the tree grabbing at my night gown as if to try and delay me from escaping my pursuer, I increased my speed running as fast as my legs would allow me.I looked over my shoulder only to see that he was still right behind me, he was moving effortlessly as if this were childsplay to him.I looked around the forest it was twisted by the milky light of the moon making things look more dark and evil,'no escape' I thought to myself.I could feel my legs starting to give away under me.I collapsed to the ground with sweat dripping of my face and my lungs burning with a searing pain.Waiting for the man I've never seen nor met,the only thing I could see eveytime I looked at him was those maroon eyes piercing through the night air like a dagger on velvet.I felt him behind me like a dark eerie presence that no one could miss. I felt his fingers wrap around the back of my neck, and then. . .

I breathed in a deep gasp as I shot up with tears smearing my face I looked around only to see that I was having another nightmare,I was back in my room the moon casting the same evil look in myroom just like the nightmare, a shiver racked my spine.I looked over at the clock it's bright red colors piercing through the darkness.The clock read 5:24 I wasn't supposed to get up for 2 almost more hours, I heaved a sigh knowing that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.I slipped on my slippers and shuffled to the joined bathroom. I was dreading this very day the first day of school at the "wonderful" school of Kanashimi High the private boarding school for boys and girls,I was already packed but not ready to go.In that school which is also known as "The Hell pit my parents threw me in to be eaten alive by sinister, blood thirsty demons"I made it up the firstday I was there because everyone seems to shy away from me (more like is scared shitless and don't wanna try and mess with me).
As I got ready for the Hell pit my parents threw my in,(school) I looked in the mirror. It bothers me I'm not ugly, fat or have any thing wrong with me but people still seem to hate me or fear me.I have a good body shape and my skin is soft and carmel colored,my eyes are a beautiful ember color. I have soft black hair that almost compares to velvet that seems to shape my face just right, and it can't be my clothes because we all have to wear the same uniform, but they still shun me from there groups and I've never been asked out once.I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm gonna try and expiriment I don't mind the solitude but I think I found the solution, it's just killing me to figure it out.So what I'm doing is with all my working money fromthe summer I spent on a new wardrobe for the weekends and new makeup.
I know how to do makeup I just never thought it would be worth the effort.I'm going to try that today to see if it would attract attention.
After I took a shower, I slipped on my uniform black skirt white under shirt and maroon over coat.The same maroon color,I seemed to notice as I looked inthe mirror, as the man's eyes in my dreams which made me a little uneasy but I tried to ignore it.I rolled on some white eyeshadow on my lid, followed bye maroon makeup just above it mixing the two colors to create a fading look, followed by shimmer eye shadow on my brow boneI could tell I was gonna look alot better than I usually do.I rolled on some mascara which made my long eyelashes look as if they were falsies.I bought some clear stick on gems which I placed by the corner of each eye then the rest on my eyelashes to make them look more fake (Oh well it looks good! ^_^) followed by chocolate lipliner and a clear lipgloss which made my lips look full and plump,(I love that look!) I looked in the mirror almost not noticing the girl staring at me.I looke gorgeous like a model.Everything matched and coordinated with one another.
"Hurry up Candy!" I heard my brothers annoying friend pound on the door.My brother is 19 and in college his semi-ester hasn't started yet so his friend Brad stayed over just like two gitty girls ready to go to school because they were popular and wanted to "get back on the scene",unfortunatly I am only 17 to be 18 in a month so I still have to syffer through another year of the Hell pit my get the point."My name is Candice, Brad!Okay?! Candice!", I said as swung open the door glaring at Brad.(He for some odd reason didn't fear me like every one else)There was a look of astonishment plastered on his face, he was staring at me with his jaw hanging wide open.He looked behind me and around the bathroom,"What are you doing you idiot.." I asked him. "Looking for the real Candy," he said not even looking in my direction."That's me you mentally challenged idiot," I stated.(How nice am I?)He looked at me and smiled revealing perfectly straught white teeth that would probably make any girl weak at the knees.
"And don't call me Candy!" I yelled at him."Well, he said leaning against the frame of the door,"she's beautiful and fiesty" he said with a smile playing at the corner of his lips."What?"I asked dumbfounded, Brad was about to say something when I said,"Just shut up and use the bathroom", I snapped as I grabbed my makeup bag and left the bathroom.I went downstairs to get some breakfast because it was already 7 o' clock and we had to leave at seven thirty sharp.As I went down the stairs to face my "loving" family I bdreaded the though of having to drive 2 hours with my "mom".I don't claim any of my family, they don't look anything like I do and they don't act anything like me.Sometimes I wonder (pray) that I'm adopted, but so far I've had no evidence leading to that except my own.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw that my brother was not yet awake because he wasn't at the table digesting everything that's in his sight because he needs to "bulk" up for foot ball or someother idiotic sport that I never cared to pay attention to,but somehow Brad beat me down here and was already sitting n my seat.(..wait...MY SEAT!-_-')"Oh no no Brad that's my seat and you can have the blob's (my brother),move now." I said cleary not in the best of moods because the lack of sleep."Well sorry but I'm not moving...I don't care what you say,"he retorted not even looking in my direction.I didn't wanna argue with him because the fatigue that had once fled from me hit me like a pile of bricksand was getting heavier by the minute.I let out a low growl and said,"Fine you little-"
"Ah ah Candy temper temper.."Brad said wagging a finger at me right in my face.'"Get that finger out of my face before I break it." I stated coldy.He just stared at me for a couple seconds then walked away.I glanced at my watch 7:27,time to leave.All my luggage was already in the car and all my makeup was held in my purse.I detest purses but I need it for this experiment.I want to crack this cryptical code of me and that damned hell pit they call school.I was in the car when my "mom" came out.She didn't say a word to me, which is natural for me.I had my headphones on full blast anyways.She cdould probably hear the heavy metal cutting through the silence of the car.
About ten minutes into the drive I drifted off.I had the nightmare of the forest and the man I couldn't escape from and right when I was about to see his face my eyes popped open because my mother was shaking me saying"Wake up Candice we're here." I shrugged off her hands and said "whatever"in the cruelest voice I could manage.I was pissed at her I culd've seen his face finally after two weeks of the same dream and she has to wake me up.So yeah I was pretty peeved at her.I stepped out of the car and checked my makeup which was still perfect and apparently working since every guy I passed by stared at me and every girl gave me a dirty, envious look.Some people thought I was a new student so they came up and asked mewhat my name was.I get easily annoyed so every time they would ask I'd simply remark'"I don't know you ignorant monkey you tell me,or are yuo blind since you can't seem to know who I am." I may look different butmyattitude is still the same and eventually they beagn to shy away again which I didn't mind because I know the experiment worked.I didn't take off the makeup though I didn't want to waste it I wanted to get it worth with all the money I spent.As I sat in the back like I usually do ignoring the teacher as she talked about school behavior and other obvious things that every one already knew about.I heard her say "Oh and we have a new student,"Right as she said that a tall figure walked through door,"Class this is Jason Sanders he justed joined."I looked up from my notebook I was absent mindedly doddling on and saw the boy standing in the door.He was tall,dark complection and had black hair that was slicked back.All the girls sighed as if they just saw Orlando Bloom enter the room or whatever type of stars girls like these days.He gave me an uneasy feeling and he seemed so familiar like I've met him before.He looked around the room and then right at me,as he did so two pieces of his hair fell into his eyes.I must admitt he was gorgeous but something about him seemed dangerous.
I looked back at my notebook and ignored him,"May I sit here?"I heard someone ask,I just ignored it thinking the question was directed at someone else."Excuse me..Miss?"I looked up only to see that it was Jason talking to me,"I looked aroundthe room at all the other empty seats and wondered why he would want to sit by me the social leper of the entire school.I opened my mouth and was about to say something but just then the bell rang.I gathered up my stuff as Jason was swallowed into the hole of girls as they swarmed around him.