Behind those red eyes:What the hell am I?

Chapter Two

I gathered up my things and decided to go to lunch a couple minutes early,I didn't wanna meet my room mate, I don't care for my locker, I can carry my stuff, I'm not lazy like most of the people here.Today's pretty sunny but it usually is in Los Angeles especially during this time of year (July).This school is all year around and we only get a month and a half away from this place wich to me is unfair.I can thank my parents for that one.I sat outside absorbing the sun not wanting to have to choke on the horrific smell of what the lunch ladies call "food" but I call it poison.I never eat lunch but I have to eat dinner.No breakfast either it smells worse than lunch.I sat outside and was sketching thr school yard and all it's inhabitants when I suddenly felt that same feeling I got when Jason came by me."Can I help you?" I said right as he was about to say something.He let out a chuckle and said,"How did you know I was here?"I was still sketching not even glancing up at him."I'm magic." I said in a sarcastic voice.No guy ever comes up and just decides to pay me a friendly visit so I was a little weary no matter how gorgeous he is.
"Well that would explain alot," he remarked as he pulled up a chair and sat by me.I couldn't help it so I looked up at him and straight into his eyes.They were a deep choclate color but as I peered they looked red.'The same color as my dream,'I drew in a sharp gasp and slammed my notebook shut.Jason didn't even flinch he was still staring at me,"Is something wrong?"He asked but it sounded monotone as if he already knew what the answer was.I looked into his eyes again..nothing just brown.I shook my head,'I can't let this night mare get the best of me I though to myself again,"Uh...Yeah I'm fine." I said "I know you're lying"
A look of astonishment crossed my face,'Did I just hear his voice in my head?' I thought to myself thinking I was going crazy.'You're not going crazy Candice,'I heard his voice roll across my head again.My eyes widened and I began to get scared.'I wouldn't make a scene if I were you,people might think you're crazy'he said he sounded so calm as if invading someone's thought were a normal thing.'What the hell are you?!'I shrieked inside my head in hopes of hurting his ears so I could slip away.'Now now Candice calm down and no it can't hurt my ears too much pratice and too many years of expirience' tried to keep cool but this scenario was scaring me by the second.'I know who the man is in your dreams,'I heard his voice sink into my mind.'How do you know about that?!'I asked I was getting mad he knew my name before I ever said it he knew all these things about me and I have no control over it.'I know the person who's sending them to you'He remarked calmly,'Oh yeah?' I thought,'then who is it?'I forgot he was sitting right next to me so when he grabbed my shoulder I almost had a heart attack."That's for me to know and for you to find out Candice."He whispered in my ear just as the lunch bell rang.
I grabbed all my things and hurried awayto my next class not wanting to have another run in with Jason.The rest of the day went like it usually does,luckily Jason is only in my first class and gym class.So I don't have to see him that much but the other girls can't seem to get enough of him,but if he did what he did to me to the others they wouldn't be so quick to try and snag him.I found that half the girls in school tried to ask him out and most of them were already taken,so Jason got a few unhappy visitors during the day.I still haven't heard if he's gotten in a fight yet but I did hear mostof the guys that did confront him backed off because they got an uneasy feeling about him.Probably the feeling I get every time he's around me.As I walked in the room what I saw astonished me.The only other person in my room wasn't my room mate it was Jason.He was sitting in the window smoking a cigarette.My jaw dropped,"Hello there."I looked around the room as if I weren't sure he was speaking to me."I'm talking to you Candy"he said as he flicked the cigarette and hopped off the window,"Don't call me Candy!"Was all I could manage to say.He started to walk toward me but I backed away."Get out of here Jason."I said in a warning tone."Why? This is my room."he remarked "What?! No! this is my room in the girls side of the school! Are you a girl?"I asked impatiently."Yes but no more rooms left in the boys dormitory."He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and put them in my direction and asked,"Want one?"I looked at them as if he were trying to hand me a bag of poison."Not from you!" I stated coldly.I walked over to my bag and pulled out my own pack(Yes I smoke)I started to look for my Maroon lighter(Indcidently maroon is my favorite color)"Looking for this?"Said Jason as he pulled out my lighter."Give that back." I remarked with hate lacing every word.He threw it too me I snatched it out of the air and pulled out a cigarette.I sat on the window and took a deep inhale.Hoping it would calm my nerves,but to no success.
"I'm going to talk to the administrator tommorrow,you don't belong here."I said flicking the cigarette and pulling out another one."Jeeze chainsmoker?"said Jason chuckling