Status: Currently thinking up a Sequel!

About a Girl

Heart On A Hook, Thrown Out To The Sea

I couldn’t help but yawn; it was closing in on six thirty in the morning and my evening out with Will was coming to an end. The play had ended up being Romeo and Juliet and I have to admit that I cried – their story is tragic and seeing it played out right before my eyes was absolutely brilliant. The night didn’t end there though; after the play ended around three, Will and I caught another cab and went to an all night sushi bar – it was very delicious and that’s where I thought the night would end, but once again, I was wrong. When we walked out of the restaurant, Will hailed, yet another cab and told him to take us to the beach.

Which was where we were now, watching the sun rise. I was wrapped in Will’s jacket, though that wasn’t what was keeping me warm – Will had his arm wrapped arm me, bringing me close to his chest. I was so very content with all of this; it was like the past had erased itself over the last seven or so hours.

“Addie?” Will whispered, afraid, I guess of ruining the perfect moment of the sun breaking over the water. It was something I had never seen before; but Will’s voice just seemed to add to the beauty of all of it.

“What is it, Bilvy?” I turned my eyes away from the waves breaking against the beach to see him looking at me, just so contently.

Will’s eyes never wavered from mine as he leaned in as placed his on gently against mine. I didn’t right him like I had before; I simply moved my lips against his and enjoyed the moment – this perfect moment on the beach with Bilvy. I just wish that he would’ve let it go on a little longer…

“So, does this mean that I’m forgiven?” There was a little hope in his eyes; but I knew that he was joking nonetheless.

I shook my head, “Nope; I don’t give in that easily, Silly Willy – You should know that.”


I opened the door to the bunks and tiptoed back to Alex’s or should I say mine? Either way, I was too tired to think about it right now. I pulled the curtain back and noticed a large white box. Despite being very, very tired – my curiosity always gets the better of me. I pulled the top off and pulled back a layer of tissue paper. Hm, this couldn’t be from Will, he doesn’t move that fast.

I pulled out a short black and yellow dress that resembled a bumblebee and nearly laughed out loud. Going through the rest of the things I saw yellow pumps, yellow nail polish, yellow eye shadow and yellow lip gloss. There was even a bee clutch, necklace and ring and there was a pair of ripped tights too.

A million thoughts were going through my head, but I simply shrugged them all off and climbed into the bunk after slipping out of my dress and into an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

In the afternoon after I woke up and stumbled into the living room area, I noticed that we were on the road. Hm, cool – I could stare out the window all day.

I was sitting on the couch alone until Alex came and sat down next to me, “So, I Spy with my little eye – A very beautiful girl.”

“Ha, very funny, Alex,” I smiled over at him. The smile didn’t last long. I didn’t like the fact that I was stringing him along, but he knew what was going on and the he was probably going to get hurt.

Alex just returned my smile and continued the conversation, “So, did you see the package that was on your bunk?”

“Ah, that was from you wasn’t it?” My smile returned. “What’s with the bumblebee get-up?”

“There’s a Glamour Kills costume party tonight after the show and I want you to come with me. I know you would’ve probably liked to pick out your own outfit, but when me and Zack were out yesterday I saw it and I thought you would like it…” I thought that it was so cute that he was rambling.

“I love it, Alex; but could you tell me something? What time is it?” I laughed and he joined in as he looked down at his watch.

“It’s about noon – you didn’t sleep very long. We’re going to get to the venue around two – do you want to go get your phone then?” Alex asked out of nowhere.

I had nearly forgotten that Alex had thrown my old phone out, but I nodded in agreement, “Yeah, that’ll be great.”


Hours later I was walking around the Electric Factory in Philly getting everyone’s number to put into my band new Palm Pre. Gah, I love Alexander so much! (Figuratively, very, very figuratively), he paid for it completely on the spot and got me my own plan and paid for it a year in advance – I didn’t even think that that was possible, but I guess that it is. I’m even more excited about the party tonight and I know that I’ll get even more numbers to put into my cute new phone.

It was an hour and a half until the show ended and I was already walking around in my bumblebee outfit, because of my so-said excitement. No one stared at me awkwardly because everyone knew about the party and all of the bands and crew were going.

“Well, look at that… I heard she could sting, but I didn’t believe it,” I turned around to see Pete Wentz talking to Zack and Jack and it was Pete who had made the comment.

Walking towards him, I said, “Well, if it isn’t Pete Wentz. Are you already in your costume too?! Because I’m pretty sure that’ll when first prize in the ugly contest.”

Pete gave me a dirty look as Zack and Jack busted out laughing because it was clear as day that Pete wasn’t dressed up in the slightest – more dressed down if anything.

“You are just so funny, Addison,” Pete faked a laugh as I walked away from the trio.

I waved over my shoulder as I typed into my phone, “Yeah, I know I am.”

I walked around to the dressing rooms to see if Alex was in one of them, but just as I got close to the first one, I heard two people arguing. I pressed my ear against the door to hear better,

“I told you a long time ago to stay away from me – to stay away from the band.” It was clearly Alex speaking here.

“But I love you.” Clearly a girl here and it sound like she was trying to plead with Alex.

“I’m sorry, but I just don’t care – I love someone and it’s not you.” I heard someone start walking towards the door and I quickly moved away from it and to the side.

The door slammed open and out stepped a pretty girl with medium blonde hair, she was sort of pretty – she might have looked better if she hadn’t been crying. “Fine, I’ll get over you. Just don’t call me if it doesn’t work out.”

I watched the girl walked away until she had completely disappeared. When she had, I stepped into the dressing room and immediately Alex spoke up, “Natalie, I told you that I didn’t want to talk to you anymore.”

“It’s Addie, not Natalie,” As Alex looked up and saw that it really was me, I waved and his shoulders slumped.

“You heard all of that, didn’t you?” I nodded. “Including the…?”

I nodded again, “The ‘I love someone’ thing.” I walked over to where Alex was sitting and sat down across from him.

Alex reached over and took my hands into his; I was shocked by the shock I got when his hands touched mine – It was like, pure electricity, “Addie, I know that this isn’t going to go where I want it to – but I can’t help it – I’m falling for you.”
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I'm not very good on the whole tour schedule thing.
so I will just randomly pick venues out of a hat! lol
Addie's Outfit