You Love To Hate Me

Chapter 13

I woke up in Ronnie's bed. He was next to me with his hair stuck to his face, and his mouth hanging open. I laughed and pushed him off the bed. For some reason I just loved pushing the boy off the bed. He sprung up and stared at me.

"I invite you into my bed, and you hurt me." He said like he was awake the whole time.

"Sorry it is just a reaction every time I see a guy next to me in bed." I said smirking.
"You're famous right?"

"OH shut up," He said rubbing his head.

"I wanna meet Jim Sturgess. I wouldn't push him out of my bed." I joked.

"Are you saying I am not as sexy as some English guy?"

"Pretty much," He got up and tackled me on the bed.
"Ow, Ronnie get off of me. RAPE RAPE!" I shouted.

I wiggled out from under him and ran out of the room. Kat and Max we sitting in the living room looking at me scared. I smiled at them and burst out laughing. Ronnie came out running after me. I moved from my spot and Ronnie tripped over air. That made me laugh even harder.

"You're a jerk." He said from the floor. I crouched down and looked at him.

"I'm sorry little boy."

"Alright guys stop flirting." Kat said flipping the page of the magazine she was reading.

"Shouldn't you be out finding Chris? He's in the back of an alley getting high." Ronnie snarled at Kat getting up.

"Ronnie..." Max warned.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, Maddie let's go out for breakfast!" Ronnie linked his arm with mine and turned me around. We went back to his room. He left while I got dressed, and then I left while he got dressed and I brushed my teeth and hair.

Kat looked near tears when we left the apartment. Max came with us, and I didn't blame him. I wouldn't want to be with Kat the train wreck either.

We were sitting in a restaurant when I mentioned something.

"I should get a job."

"Why?" Ronnie asked.

"So I can pay you guys while I'm staying, and so I can save up and buy my own place."

"You can stay with us for as long as you want." Max said.
"You can even stay with us when you're 80 and have ten babies."

I smiled at Max and pushed him. We joked around for awhile longer and then left. We were walking down the street when I saw a music store with a big red 'Help Wanted' sign in the window. I smiled and found my new job.