Two Hearts Beating as One


"James!" I giggled. James smiled and continued to tickle me.

"That's me." He said.

"Stop it! Please!" I gasped out between spasms of laughter. He laughed and stopped. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest.

"Want to go get dinner?" He asked. "I can follow you to your house so that your mom can get the car." He offered.

My family only had one old, beat up car. It was all we could afford, and we could barely afford it as it is. So, my mom, dad and I had to share it. My dad had it early in the morning so he could get to work, and then as soon as he got home it was mine until four o' clock when I had to bring it home for my mom. I did the shopping and everything for them, because most of the time they were to tired.

"I can't. Sorry. My parents are having some people over for dinner and they said I have to be there because I have to be told something." I said with a frown.

"More dinner party news?" James asked. I nodded.

Whenever my parents had to tell me something really bad, they always invited the neighbors over or something. It was a precaution they take to make sure that I can't murder them right that second. Then we all have to play games until my mom goes to work and I'm to worn out to kill my parents. They're smart people, my parents.

"Call me later then. Maybe we can catch a movie when your guests leave and we can talk about whatever the hell your parents are springing on you now." He suggested. I nodded.

"See you." We kissed, and then I forced myself to walk to my car. I hated walking away from James. It might sound really stupid, but it hurt when I wasn't hurt him. This is going to sound corny, but we're soulmates and we both know it.

The entire drive home I was lost in thought. I didn't even notice the flashy, expensive car that was parked on the street until I heard the voice of Mr. and Mrs. Williams in the living room talking to my father about some engagement party. I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. My dad looked uneasy.

"Lyssa, we have to tell you something." My mom said, perching on the arm of my fathers chair. Luke Williams smirked at me from across the room, his eyes rolling over my body. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at my parents.


"Well.. You know that Luke likes you, very very much... And well, he wants to marry you." My mother said.

"So?" I questioned. I didn't like where this was going.

"So, his parents said if you married him, they would be more then happy to help us with all of our expenses. You know how things are.. We're about to lose the car. So we agreed to you marrying him." My mom said.

"Excuse me, but don't I have a say in this since it's my life?"

"No. You don't, sweetie. I'm sorry. We gave them our word that you would marry him. You don't have a choice."

"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here's the first chapter. I know that it isn't very good, but oh well.. It's going to get better. This story isn't going to be very long, but whatever. I hope you like it Claire, and whoever else is reading this at the moment!

Comments would be fantastic.