Two Hearts Beating as One


"Mind your tone, Alyssa." My father warned.

"No! I don't want to marry that jerk! I don't want to! I won't!" I exclaimed.

"He's not a jerk, Lyss." My mother said with a frown.

"Oh yes he is." I countered, glaring at him.

"Alyssa Fisher, name one good reason why he wouldn't make you a good husband." My father challenged. I knew that my parents would find some reason why all of my excuses weren't good.

"What about James?" I demanded. My parents relaxed their stiff shoulders. I could tell that they were glad the only thing I came up with was my boyfriend.

"You'll have to break up with him, of course." My mother said easily.

"He was no good for you anyway. Do you know what his father told me just this morning? That he told James that when he died James would run the bookstore, and do you want to know what James told him? He told him no, that he wants to start a band." My father said. "A band! Can you beleive that?" He asked.

"Daddy. James is talented! He's a good musician! And I'm not going to break up with him just because you promised the Williams that I would marry their son! You basically just turned me into a whore mom! Or a slave! You sold me!" I exclaimed.

"Don't be like this Alyssa." My mother ordered. She took a small box from her jeans pocket. They got you a lovely ring. This spring your going to marry Luke, and your going to be happy about it." She said as she tossed the ring to me. I didn't even look at the ring. I dropped the box onto the floor, stood and left the room. I just couldn't beleive that. My parents sold me to the devil himself.

Speak of the devil...

"Alyssa." Luke said from right behind me. I didn't reply, I just walked outside into the cool night air. He grabbed my hand and spun me to face him. He then slid the blasted ring onto my finger and smiled at me.

"I always knew that I would find a way to make you mine." He sneered. I moved to slap him with my free hand, but he grabbed it. "Don't do that. Your going to be a good wife, now won't you?" He said, squeezing my hands rather hard. I jerked away from him.

"Don't touch me. You may have my parents fooled, and everyone else, but I know how you really are, Luke Williams! If my parents want me to marry you, then I will. But not for long. As soon as the wedding is over I will be filing for divorce. Do you understand me? And you better damn well beleive that I'm going to be cheating on you for the entire thing, because I am not leaving James." I said darkly before spinning on my heel and running all the way to Jame's house.
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Another chapter. I think that this story will only have four parts to it. Maybe only three. But you know what? I think that I am going to have this story finished before the night is over.
