Two Hearts Beating as One


It didn't take me long to reach James's house. When I got there, I saw an expensive car pulling out of the driveway that I recognized as that of Luke's best friend. I glared at it in the darkness. All the lights in the house were off although James's car was in the driveway.

I ran up the steps and knocked. I got no answer. I glanced around. Only James's car was there. Mr. and Mrs. Bourne weren't yet home. I opened the door and flicked on the light, then gasped.

James lay in the middle of the floor. He had been beaten, and he was unconscious. I instantly knew why the car had been here. Luke had sent his friends to beat up my boyfriuend before I even knew about this forced marriage.

Their was a folded slip of paper on the coffee table. I picked it up.

Stay the hell away from my fiance. I mean it. If you go near her, I'll have you killed. Simple as that.

My blood boiled in my veins. How dare he! My eyes filled with tears. I would have to leave James after all. I sat beside him with a sigh and lifted his head into my lap. I brushed some blood off of his bottom lip and wiped it on the leg of my jeans.

"I'm so sorry,,," I whispered. Then I fell silent. I started to play with his hair, all the while thinking about what I was going to have to do. I didn't want to, I really didn't. But I couldn't see any other choice. There was no other choice. I was going to have to marry the demon who had had this done, and I wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. I would also have to hurt James and tell him that I was leaving him to marry another man.

I jumped when a hand covered mine, which made James groan. His eyes opened and his hand fell from mine.

"Oh! James! I'm so sorry!" I cried, tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

"It's alright Lyssa. Really. I'm fine.. Just sore." He said.

"You won't be just sore really soon...." I whispered.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Luke and his parents basically just bought me from my parents. Their making me marry him. And if Luke see's you with me, he'll have you killed." I whispered, holding up the note. He looked at me.

"He'll have me killed if he sees us together?" He asked. I nodded. "So let's not let him see us together." He said. He pushed himself into a sitting position.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Let's run away together. Tonight."
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought that idea was cute, so I had to throw it in. I only started this story about 20 minutes ago, but next chapter is more then likely the last chapter.

I told you it's short.
