Just Hand Me The Knife.

Chapter Three

Over the next couple of months, I noticed that Alec wasn’t like other people. He was more like us therefore becoming our friend. Our only friend at that. Alec was also strange, like he has something to hide, I can’t figure it out and neither can Jace. We are too afraid to ask him, we don’t want to lose our friend. Alec is our age, seventeen. He stands about the same height as me and Jace, and we aren’t very tall, probably around five feet five inches. Which is ok, I’d rather be short than tall. Alec had this divine beauty about him; he had those high cheek bones and a square jaw. His hair was a golden brown, too light to be brown but yet too dark to be blond. It wasn’t cut short but it wasn’t overly long, it framed his face perfectly. He was constantly sweeping it out of his eyes though. That didn’t really bother me, but I did get the urge to move it for him, when he didn’t do it himself. His eyes were a dark brown almost black. I had often wondered if he wore black contacts at times.

Alec came over to our house today. It was weird, having someone over. Especially in my mind because he is kind of cute, but I wouldn’t want our friendship to go any further. Not after what happened last time.

“So Alec, what is it like in Seattle?” Jace asked the nervous Alec.

I know what you are thinking, two months and we haven’t drilled him with questions? Well Jace and I aren’t like that; we get to know the person without asking the uncomfortable questions.

“Definitely not like this place, it’s normally always cloudy and it looks like it wants to rain all the time, but even then it’s livelier than this place.” He said.

“Awesome, I’ve always wanted to live there. I just feel drawn to the city.”

And by saying that, Alec looked at me like he had never even seen me before. It was like he suddenly decided to pay attention to his surroundings. I sat there, not knowing what to do. I was shocked; shocked that he was looking at me, like something interesting. He wanted to know more about me, his eyes said it all.

“Lily?” Jace tried to pull me out of my state of being shocked.

I ignored him, for I was captured in Alec’s eyes. He was the first to look away, I was a little disappointed but what he said to me next made him that disappointment go away, and be replaced by nervousness.

“Isa?” he wasn’t looking at me, but at his hands, “I need to talk to you. Care to join me for a walk?”

With that, he got up and walked towards the door, stopping only to put on his jacket. I looked over at Jace. He was looking at Alec as he went through the door.

“Should I go Jace?”

“I don’t know, he seems different tonight. I guess you could see what he wants, it’s not like he can hurt you.”

I flinched when he said this, last time he said something like that, it didn’t turn out too pretty. He noticed that, and came over and gave me a big bear hug, reassuring me that nothing is going to happen like that again. I loved hugs, especially Jace’s bear hugs. I haven’t found any one else that could hug me like that.

“Just go. I know you want too.” he whispered in my ear.

I looked at him questioningly. His eyes were saying, twin connection. I rolled my eyes and turned around, put on my jacket and went after Alec.
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sorry for shortness.
comments would be nice =D