It's never love at first sight

“You realize you're staring, don’t you?”

“Caz, are you awake?” Charlie called from the kitchen, “We have to go soon, you’ve got an hour to get ready and then we have to get your things.Ok?”

“K” Caz stretched out her arms and yawned. “Ahh!”

“You OK?” Charlie walked in with some toast.

“Ow…yeah my head still hurts a bit though.”

“I’ll go get some ice.” He handed her the plate and headed out of the bedroom.

“Don’t worry about the ice, we haven’t got time. Can I use your shower?”


Caz stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel round her. It suddenly hit her. She had no clothes. Charlie had put them in the wash. I bet he did that on purpose. She thought.

“Charlie!” Caz called as loud as she could, but he didn’t hear her.

She could think of no other option than to go out of the bathroom and talk to him in person. She opened the door and came face to face with Charlie. His jaw dropped.

“Are you okay Charlie?” She asked, pretending she didn’t know why he was staring.

Charlie nodded, his mouth still wide open.

“Ahem.” Caz wanted his full attention. “You realize you're staring, don’t you?”

“Oh, err...sorry. What did you want?”

“I need some clean clothes, have you got any I could borrow until we get back to my house?”

Charlie walked into his bedroom, seemingly unaware that Caz had gone bright red.

“Ok sexy, anything for you.”

What have I done? Thought Caz, I can't believe Charlie just called me that, I hope he was joking.

She was suddenly distracted by the bedroom door opening. She looked up to see Charlie standing in front of her naked.

“Oh my Charlie, what are you like?” she laughed, looking away and covering her eyes.

“I always fall for the pretty ones, that’s what I’m like.”

“Go and put your clothes back on, you know it's not me you want.”

“ I have to?” Charlie said, looking at Caz with sad puppy eyes.

He turned round and wandered back into the bedroom. He sighed as he realised what a mistake he had made.

How could I be such an idiot? Charlie thought. She doesn’t want me, and I think that was obvious. Now she’ll never take me seriously.

He pulled on an old Misfits shirt, and grabbed some jeans. He rummaged around to find some clothes he could lend to Caz.

Caz was so embarrassed she didn’t know what to think, although she couldn’t get that image of him out of her head. She was impressed by how fit he was. Now it was obvious why he had so many girlfriends.

Caz heard Charlie coming out of the bedroom, but was afraid to look…

“It’s alright Caz, I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice,” he laughed, tugging at his shirt. “And I know it was a mistake, a stupid mistake. I don’t know what I was thinking. Can you forgive me?”

“Come on Charlie, I don’t know you well enough to decide how many chances I’m going to give you, so I think I’ll let you off.”

“Thanks, well I think I found you some clothes,” he said handing them to Caz. “These were the most decent things I could find…from what my ex left.”

There was an awkward silence.

“Sorry, too much information?”

“Yeah.” Caz nodded dramatically. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. Can I use your bedroom?”

“Sure. I’ll do us some breakfast while you get ready.”

Caz walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She laid out the clothes on the bed to see what she thought. She loved them. The jeans looked as though they would be skin tight-at least they were black. The T-shirt (black yet again) had the AC/DC logo on the front and was covered in safety pins.
This is exactly what I’d buy. If I had the money. She thought to herself.

She put them on and they fitted great, just her size. Caz opened the door to see Charlie sitting on the sofa stuffing his face with toast. He almost choked as he saw her outfit.

Huh. She looks so comfortable wearing those, not to mention how sexy she looks. Don’t think I’m gonna tell her that though, after what I did earlier she’d kill me. He thought as he managed to swallow the remaining contents of his mouth.

“It’s great, but what do you think? I can’t imagine you ever wearing this kind of thing.”

“No, I love it! I think I just discovered my new style.”

“So, no credit for the stylist then?”

“Thank you Charlie.” she walked over to him, stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek.

“Wow?!” he thought Caz would want to take it slow. “Any chance of another?” he joked, but realised she wanted it. He bent to her height and their lips met briefly for a wonderful kiss.

“The time! We’re gonna miss the flight!”

“Don’t worry, Caz. We’ve still got an hour to check in. That should be just enough time to collect your things.” Charlie lifted Caz up into his arms and instigated another kiss.


Both Caz and Charlie were hurriedly packing her stuff into a large holdall. They were almost done, so Charlie paused to take a look around the house.

I know Caz works 6 days a week, but it’s like she doesn’t have a private life. Charlie thought. Or maybe she thinks work is her life. I have to stop her thinking that.

The walls were totally plain with no pictures or anything.

“Charlie.” Caz called. “I’m finished packing, but we’ll still have to hurry to get there in time.


Charlie found their seats on the plane and let Caz sit next to the window.

“Hold on-Charlie, this is business class. How could you afford it?”

“I told you already-I save money, let that be the end of it.”

When the plane finally took off Caz took a book out of her bag and started reading.

Oh my god, I think I’m gonna be sick. Caz thought. Maybe I should have told Charlie I’ve never flown before.

Charlie had been watching Caz for a few minutes and noticed the colour had gradually drained from her face.

“Caz…Are you ok? You’ve gone really pale.”

“Well, I know I should have told you before, but I’ve never been on a plane, and I don’t feel very well. I think I might just try to get some sleep.”

“Ok. That’s not such a bad idea, remember I’m here if you need me.”


Caz had fallen asleep hours ago. Her skin had colour now, she was sleeping soundly with her head resting on Charlie’s chest. He was twiddling with her hair in his fingers, trying to relax and get some sleep.