It's never love at first sight

"Everyone’s staring at us."

The next thing Caz remembered was Charlie kissing her on the forehead.

“Morning Caz. We’re here, we’ve arrived in Tokyo.”

Caz stood up, still half asleep, “I love you.” She said looking up into his eyes.

“I love you too, but can it wait till we get off the plane? Everyone’s staring at us.” He whispered, looking around at the other passengers.

“Don’t worry, they’re not staring at us, you’re just imagining it.”

Charlie gave her a stern look.

“Alright-let’s wait.”

It was obvious she wasn’t thinking clearly, she’d only just woken up. Charlie bent down and picked up both of their bags.

He could be such a gentleman, when he wanted, and Caz realised this now. Although he still mucked around about 90% of the time.

“Come on. Let’s go now-I’ve hired a car to take us to the hotel. If we don’t hurry they might think we’re not gonna show.”


Walking out of the airport, Charlie could see no sign of the car he hired, and punched the air.

“Fuck it! He’s left without us.”

He stood in the same spot for about 10 seconds and then Caz spoke.

“It doesn’t matter, everything else will be ok. Come on Charlie, we can walk it.”

She desperately wanted to reach out and hold his hand, but was stopped half way by nerves. Charlie felt her hand touch his, and moved quickly to hold it before she took it away again.

“Don’t tease me, Caz. You know I need you.” He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it.” at least I’ve got you now. Who ‘da thought it, hey Caz, 3 days ago we were just friends and now we can’t get enough of each other.”

“No-you just can’t get enough of me. I’d be just fine without you.” Caz laughed.

“You call assault and battery fine?”

“Isn’t this the place?” said Caz changing the subject.

“I think so,” said comparing the building to the picture on the computer printout. “Let’s go in.”

“Reservation for 2 in the name of Charlie Wright.” He had made a beeline for what looked like the only English woman at the reception.

“I’m sorry sir, but you don’t seem to have booked with us at all, are you sure you’re at the right place?”

“Yeah, of course I’m sure. I booked it on the internet.”

“(oh dear.) I’m sorry to have to tell you this sir, but I think you’ve been conned. You see, to stay with us you have to book at a travel agent. Look… I’d like to help you but it’s not our fault.”

Charlie didn’t know what to say, he was sure everything was gonna go perfect.

Oh my god. What am I going to do? Charlie thought. I booked everything with the same website. That means we have nowhere to stay, or eat and nowhere to visit. How am I gonna tell Caz?

It doesn’t matter, we can take a holiday in England. Caz said noticing how worried Charlie looked.

The only option for them was to switch their flights and go back home that night. Charlie didn’t even have enough money left for one night in the hotel.


On the plane Caz felt disappointed that Charlie had gone to so much trouble, and spent so much money just trying to cheer her up, and then it had all collapsed. She didn’t know what to say to him, so she just sat in silence, and fell asleep after a few minutes.