‹ Prequel: Calling Grace
Sequel: Here We Go Again
Status: Complete. =)

Drink Me Dry

Sweet Surrender

The child is dying inside and as I stare into their empty eyes, the parent(s) send me a glare and look as if I'm part of a sinner's prayer! Let them bleed! For all to see let the flame engulf all the inside of me! Let the sins within rip them...apart. Father in Heaven help those souls before they fall astray. I can't show you how they're touched by their guardians angered ways. They're dying on the inside flooded with despair they're treated as if they're a plague predicted in the tales of a sinner's PRAYER!


Let me rip them into pieces for all to see and let the fire course inside of me, they grabbed their hips and made them...BURN, on the outside they seem fine but when another is on the outside looking in, you see broken glass and a message crying out for help, they're being forced to a sweet surrender and their eyes are empty as their parents fill their coffins with blood...as long as I live, you'll never be the one to see or/and survive in the light of day! As long as I breathe you'll never see the ones who caused the pain to course inside of you, no matter what happens you can stop it all and never be a victim for your time! I can be a saviour, if you let me in now open the gates I can find us a way for you to find your path to the gates of retribution!


Let me see them and for all to see their enflamed eyes course inside of me, never again will they be touched in their ways for things they never even did, they will live and/or die without a care now they are the plagues of the Sinner's Prayer! I'd love to see them all bleed so my laughter will never cease to get on and grate their nerves, I see that they give me glares! Ask me if I care but I do not harm innocent children just to pay my debts!

(Chorus x3)

In your defense it's kill or be killed but punishment for s**t that's never been done is not the answer, now your kid(s) will try to begin letting go of everything given to them on the darkest day in History on our Earth, they lie bleeding on their bathroom floors and on their beds, there's always at least ONE soul that will now and forever and all eternity always care for that one heart that beats!

(Chorus x3)

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Ok so a touchy subject for me: Abuse. Child abuse. Bottom line: I fucking FUCKING fucking FUCKING fucking FUCKING hate it and fucking DESPISE anyone that does it. So yea. This is in the P.O.V of me observing the actions in my own eyes. :)